
Creating Shader Resource View performance

我想知道在将 ID3D12Resource 传递到 ID3D12GraphicsCommandList 之前为 ID3D12Resource 创建着色器资源视图并在帧完成后销毁它是否被认为是一种 "okay" 做法?


这是一位微软工程师关于为什么 CreateShaderResourceView return 无效而不是错误代码的引用。

We intentionally don't have return codes on high frequency APIs since it would be a waste of CPU time to be checking for errors every call, which could be happening on the fly many thousands of times a frame.


只要 gpu 在覆盖它之前可能需要它,您就必须小心保护描述符堆中的视图生命周期。