Swift 中非常慢的扫雷递归算法
Very slow minesweeper recursive algorithm in Swift
我正在与 Swift 3 和 Xcode 合作。
我正在创建一个 iOS 游戏,它基本上是一个扫雷游戏,但是没有正方形而是六边形,所以每个六边形周围最多可以有 6 个地雷。
我创建了一个递归算法,这样当玩家触摸一个六边形时,如果它不是炸弹,它就会调用一个名为 "reveal" 的递归函数,其中:
- 如果周围多了一个矿并且触摸的六边形仍然隐藏(隐藏我的意思是我们不知道它是否是地雷),揭示六边形并设置周围矿山标签的数量,并停止该功能
- 如果周围没有地雷,对于附近隐藏的每个六边形,调用显示功能。
class Hexagon: SKShapeNode
var mine: Bool
var hide: Bool
var proximityMines: Int
init(mine: Bool = false, proximityMines: Int = 0, hide: Bool = true)
self.mine = mine // if it's a mine
self.proximityMines = proximityMines // number of surrounding mines (that I calculated using a function after I generated the level)
self.hide = hide // if the hexagon is still hidden
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func reveal(hexagon: Hexagon)
if hexagon.proximityMines == 0 && hexagon.hide == true // if there are no mines in the surrounding
hexagon.hide = false // we update the value of this hexagon
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon) // we set the .proximityMines number as a label (here 0)
for proxyHexagon in proximityHexagons(hexagon: hexagon) // for each surrounding hexagon ...
if proxyHexagon.hide == true // ... that is still hidden
reveal(hexagon: proxyHexagon) // we call this function again
else if hexagon.proximityMines != 0 && hexagon.hide == true // else if there are mines in the surrounding
hexagon.hide = false // update
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon) // set label
proximityHexagons(hexagon: Hexagon)
但事实是,当我创建一个 0 或非常低的关卡时,我单击一个六边形,递归函数需要大约 2 秒的时间来更新所有空六边形。
那为什么要花这么多时间呢?我认为 iPhone 6 无法处理如此多的操作!我在 iPhone 上试过,不是模拟器。
[index - 1, index + 1,
index - rowCount, index - rowCount - 1,
index + rowCount, index + rowCount + 1]
然后我会制作一个 class,其中包含一组您在构建拼图时所拥有的地图上的所有安全点。我将其称为 SafetyManager。
class SafetyManager {
var safeSpots: Set<Int> = all your safe spots
func indices(surrounding index: Int) -> Set<Int> {
return [index - 1, index + 1,
index - rowCount, index - rowCount - 1,
index + rowCount, index + rowCount + 1]
func safePlaces(around hexagon: Int) -> Set<Int> {
let allIndices = indices(surrounding: hexagon)
let safe = allIndices.intersection(safeSpots)
return safe
接下来我们需要一个 class ,它会在移动时被实例化,这样我们就可以进行递归。让我们称之为 CheckManager。
class CheckManager {
var checked : [Int]
var unchecked : Set<Int>
init(firstHex: Hexagon, surroundingSafeSpots: Set<Int>) {
checked = [firstHex.index]
unchecked = surroundingSafeSpots
func nextUnchecked() -> Int? {
guard !unchecked.isEmpty else { return nil }
let next = unchecked.removeFirst()
checked += [next]
return next
func pleaseTake(these indices: Set<Int>) {
func check(spot: Hexagon) {
let safe = safetyMan.safePlaces(around: spot.index)
guard safe.count > 0 else { .. }
let checkMan = CheckManager(firstHex: spot, surroundingSafeSpots: safe)
while let i = checkMan.nextUnchecked() {
let safeSpots = safetyMan.safePlaces(around: i)
checkMan.pleaseTake(these: safeSpots)
} // goes until unchecked is empty
for spot in checkMan.checked {
// get the hex and reveal
您可以保留 [Int: Hexagon] 的字典以快速获取给定索引的十六进制。我还没有对此进行测试,所以我不确定它是否运行良好,或者根本无法运行,或者有一些不正确的语法。使用多线程也可能要快得多。有趣的问题。祝你好运。
问题是 proximityHexagons
func proximityHexagons(hexagon: Hexagon) -> Array<Hexagon>
var array = [Hexagon]()
var nodeArray = [[Hexagon]]()
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x, y: hexagon.position.y + hexagon.height)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x + hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y + hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x + hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y - hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x, y: hexagon.position.y - hexagon.height)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x - hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y - hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x - hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y + hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
// first, for each 6 directions, I'm adding in an array every nodes that are Hexagon, and then adding all of theses arrays in another bigger one
for node in nodeArray // for each hexagon array in the big array
if node.count != 0 // if there is an hexagon
array.append(node.first!) // we set the hexagon in the final array
return array // we return the array containing all surrounding hexagons
我更喜欢用 nodes(at: Point)
函数检查周围的六边形,因为我的关卡并不总是规则的地图,它们的位置可能很奇怪,而 twiz_ 的 func indices(surrounding index: Int)
所以我保留了我的函数,但我在关卡开始时调用它一次,并在我的六边形 class 中的一个新变量中存储每个六边形的所有周围六边形:
class Hexagon: SKShapeNode
var mine: Bool
var hide: Bool
var proximityMines: Int
var proxyHexagons: [Hexagon] // here
init(mine: Bool = false, proximityMines: Int = 0, hide: Bool = true, proxyHexagons: [Hexagon] =
self.mine = mine
self.proximityMines = proximityMines
self.hide = hide
self.proxyHexagons = proxyHexagons
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
然后,在显示函数中,我没有调用 proximityHexagons
函数,而是使用六边形的 .proxyHexagons 数组,如下所示:
func reveal(hexagon: Hexagon)
if hexagon.proximityMines == 0 && hexagon.hide == true
hexagon.hide = false
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon)
for proxyHexagon in hexagon.proxyHexagons // here
if proxyHexagon.hide == true
reveal(hexagon: proxyHexagon)
else if hexagon.proximityMines != 0 && hexagon.hide == true
hexagon.hide = false
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon)
现在我的功能更快了,我设法在 0.001 秒内显示所有 260 个六边形,而不是旧的 2.81 秒。
我正在与 Swift 3 和 Xcode 合作。
我正在创建一个 iOS 游戏,它基本上是一个扫雷游戏,但是没有正方形而是六边形,所以每个六边形周围最多可以有 6 个地雷。
我创建了一个递归算法,这样当玩家触摸一个六边形时,如果它不是炸弹,它就会调用一个名为 "reveal" 的递归函数,其中: - 如果周围多了一个矿并且触摸的六边形仍然隐藏(隐藏我的意思是我们不知道它是否是地雷),揭示六边形并设置周围矿山标签的数量,并停止该功能 - 如果周围没有地雷,对于附近隐藏的每个六边形,调用显示功能。
class Hexagon: SKShapeNode
var mine: Bool
var hide: Bool
var proximityMines: Int
init(mine: Bool = false, proximityMines: Int = 0, hide: Bool = true)
self.mine = mine // if it's a mine
self.proximityMines = proximityMines // number of surrounding mines (that I calculated using a function after I generated the level)
self.hide = hide // if the hexagon is still hidden
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func reveal(hexagon: Hexagon)
if hexagon.proximityMines == 0 && hexagon.hide == true // if there are no mines in the surrounding
hexagon.hide = false // we update the value of this hexagon
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon) // we set the .proximityMines number as a label (here 0)
for proxyHexagon in proximityHexagons(hexagon: hexagon) // for each surrounding hexagon ...
if proxyHexagon.hide == true // ... that is still hidden
reveal(hexagon: proxyHexagon) // we call this function again
else if hexagon.proximityMines != 0 && hexagon.hide == true // else if there are mines in the surrounding
hexagon.hide = false // update
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon) // set label
proximityHexagons(hexagon: Hexagon)
但事实是,当我创建一个 0 或非常低的关卡时,我单击一个六边形,递归函数需要大约 2 秒的时间来更新所有空六边形。
那为什么要花这么多时间呢?我认为 iPhone 6 无法处理如此多的操作!我在 iPhone 上试过,不是模拟器。 你有什么想法吗?
[index - 1, index + 1,
index - rowCount, index - rowCount - 1,
index + rowCount, index + rowCount + 1]
然后我会制作一个 class,其中包含一组您在构建拼图时所拥有的地图上的所有安全点。我将其称为 SafetyManager。
class SafetyManager {
var safeSpots: Set<Int> = all your safe spots
func indices(surrounding index: Int) -> Set<Int> {
return [index - 1, index + 1,
index - rowCount, index - rowCount - 1,
index + rowCount, index + rowCount + 1]
func safePlaces(around hexagon: Int) -> Set<Int> {
let allIndices = indices(surrounding: hexagon)
let safe = allIndices.intersection(safeSpots)
return safe
接下来我们需要一个 class ,它会在移动时被实例化,这样我们就可以进行递归。让我们称之为 CheckManager。
class CheckManager {
var checked : [Int]
var unchecked : Set<Int>
init(firstHex: Hexagon, surroundingSafeSpots: Set<Int>) {
checked = [firstHex.index]
unchecked = surroundingSafeSpots
func nextUnchecked() -> Int? {
guard !unchecked.isEmpty else { return nil }
let next = unchecked.removeFirst()
checked += [next]
return next
func pleaseTake(these indices: Set<Int>) {
你用你的第一个六边形或十六进制索引,以及安全管理器会给你的周围安全点初始化它,如果你没有从安全管理器得到安全点,就不需要实例化。 它保留一组检查点和未检查点。两个重要的功能,第二个是你用来给它从安全管理器中新获得的安全点,将其添加到未检查列表中。另一个returns一个可选的Int?查看下一个安全点的周围环境。
func check(spot: Hexagon) {
let safe = safetyMan.safePlaces(around: spot.index)
guard safe.count > 0 else { .. }
let checkMan = CheckManager(firstHex: spot, surroundingSafeSpots: safe)
while let i = checkMan.nextUnchecked() {
let safeSpots = safetyMan.safePlaces(around: i)
checkMan.pleaseTake(these: safeSpots)
} // goes until unchecked is empty
for spot in checkMan.checked {
// get the hex and reveal
您可以保留 [Int: Hexagon] 的字典以快速获取给定索引的十六进制。我还没有对此进行测试,所以我不确定它是否运行良好,或者根本无法运行,或者有一些不正确的语法。使用多线程也可能要快得多。有趣的问题。祝你好运。
问题是 proximityHexagons
func proximityHexagons(hexagon: Hexagon) -> Array<Hexagon>
var array = [Hexagon]()
var nodeArray = [[Hexagon]]()
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x, y: hexagon.position.y + hexagon.height)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x + hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y + hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x + hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y - hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x, y: hexagon.position.y - hexagon.height)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x - hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y - hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
nodeArray.append(nodes(at: CGPoint(x: hexagon.position.x - hexagon.width * 3/4, y: hexagon.position.y + hexagon.height / 2)).filter({[=10=] is Hexagon}) as! [Hexagon])
// first, for each 6 directions, I'm adding in an array every nodes that are Hexagon, and then adding all of theses arrays in another bigger one
for node in nodeArray // for each hexagon array in the big array
if node.count != 0 // if there is an hexagon
array.append(node.first!) // we set the hexagon in the final array
return array // we return the array containing all surrounding hexagons
我更喜欢用 nodes(at: Point)
函数检查周围的六边形,因为我的关卡并不总是规则的地图,它们的位置可能很奇怪,而 twiz_ 的 func indices(surrounding index: Int)
所以我保留了我的函数,但我在关卡开始时调用它一次,并在我的六边形 class 中的一个新变量中存储每个六边形的所有周围六边形:
class Hexagon: SKShapeNode
var mine: Bool
var hide: Bool
var proximityMines: Int
var proxyHexagons: [Hexagon] // here
init(mine: Bool = false, proximityMines: Int = 0, hide: Bool = true, proxyHexagons: [Hexagon] =
self.mine = mine
self.proximityMines = proximityMines
self.hide = hide
self.proxyHexagons = proxyHexagons
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
然后,在显示函数中,我没有调用 proximityHexagons
函数,而是使用六边形的 .proxyHexagons 数组,如下所示:
func reveal(hexagon: Hexagon)
if hexagon.proximityMines == 0 && hexagon.hide == true
hexagon.hide = false
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon)
for proxyHexagon in hexagon.proxyHexagons // here
if proxyHexagon.hide == true
reveal(hexagon: proxyHexagon)
else if hexagon.proximityMines != 0 && hexagon.hide == true
hexagon.hide = false
setNumberLabel(hexagon: hexagon)
现在我的功能更快了,我设法在 0.001 秒内显示所有 260 个六边形,而不是旧的 2.81 秒。