如何使用 text2vec 手套函数解决 R 错误:未使用的参数 (grain_size = 100000)?

How to resolve R Error using text2vec glove function: unused argument (grain_size = 100000)?

尝试通过 documentation and 中的 text2vec 小插图来为一些推文创建词嵌入:

[2] "Good news frequent fliers. @AmericanAir says lower fares will be here for awhile"                   
[3] "Wall St. closing out the week with more earnings. What to watch:\n▶︎ $MCD\n▶︎ $AAL\n▶︎ $CAT\n"
[4] "Barrons loves $AAL at low multiple bc it's \"insanely profitable\". Someone tell them how cycles+ multiples work."               
[5] "These airlines are now offering in-flight Wi-Fi $DAL $AAL"          



twtdf <- read.csv("tweets.csv",header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
twtdf$ID <- seq.int(nrow(twtdf))

tokens = twtdf$Tweet.content %>% tolower %>%  word_tokenizer
it = itoken(tokens)
# create vocabulary
v = create_vocabulary(it) %>% 
  prune_vocabulary(term_count_min = 5)

# create co-occurrence vectorizer
vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(v, grow_dtm = F, skip_grams_window = 5L)

#dtm <- create_dtm(it, vectorizer, grow_dtm = R)

it = itoken(tokens)
tcm = create_tcm(it, vectorizer)
glove_model = glove(tcm, word_vectors_size = 50, vocabulary = v, x_max = 10, learning_rate = .2)

fit(tcm, glove_model, n_iter = 15)

#when this was executed, R couldn't find the function
#fit <- GloVe(tcm = tcm, word_vectors_size = 50, x_max = 10, learning_rate = 0.2, num_iters = 15)

但是,每当我开始执行 glove_model 时,我都会收到以下错误:

Error in .subset2(public_bind_env, "initialize")(...) : 
  unused argument (grain_size = 100000)
In addition: Warning message:
'glove' is deprecated.
Use 'GloVe' instead.

*我确实尝试使用 GloVe 代替,但我收到错误消息,即尽管重新安装了 text2vec 包并 requireing 了 R 仍找不到函数。

为了检查以确保我的数据不是某种格式问题,我尝试 运行 使用 movie_review 数据的代码并遇到了同样的问题。为了彻底起见,我还尝试指定 grain_size 参数,但得到了同样的错误。我检查了 Git 存储库中的问题,但在此站点或 Internet 查询中没有看到任何内容。


只需为模型使用正确的构造函数:glove = GlobalVectors$new(word_vectors_size = 50, vocabulary = vocab, x_max = 10)

glove() 是来自非常旧的软件包版本的旧版本。

显然 GlobalVectors 构造函数再次更改,现在直接从 TCM 获取词汇信息?

glove = GlobalVectors$new(rank = 50, x_max = 10)
wv_main = glove$fit_transform(tcm, n_iter = 10, convergence_tol = 0.01, n_threads = 8)