统一;变量影响一般 Class 而不是附加了 Class 的特定游戏对象,并且游戏对象变量永久存储值

Unity; Variable affects general Class rather then specific gameObject with Class attached, and gameObject variable stores value permanently

PlayerRaycast 射击 Zombie 时,它应该会损坏 Zombie(clone) 直到它被摧毁。但是,Player 造成的伤害是对变量 currentHealth 的一般 Zombie class 的伤害,而不是对每个 Zombie GameObjectcurrentHealth 的伤害。此外,即使游戏从头开始重新启动,currentHealth 值仍然存在。

public class Zombie : MonoBehaviour
    public int currentHealth = 2;

    public void Damage(int damageAmount)
        //subtract damage amount when Damage function is called
        currentHealth -= damageAmount;

        //Check if health has fallen below zero
        if (currentHealth <= 0) 
            //if health has fallen below zero, deactivate it 
            gameObject.SetActive (false);

        Debug.Log(name + currentHealth);


 public class Player : MonoBehaviour
        public RaycastHit hit;
        public int gunDamage = 1;
        public Zombie zombie;
        public Camera fpsCamera;
        public int weaponRange = 50;
        private int layerMask = 1 << 9;

        void Start()
            spawnPoints = playerSpawnPoint.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
           // bullet = GetComponent<GameObject>();

        void LazerBeam()
            Vector3 rayOrigin = fpsCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f));
            Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, Vector3.forward * weaponRange, Color.green);

            if (Physics.Raycast(rayOrigin, fpsCamera.transform.forward, out hit, weaponRange, layerMask))
                zombie.Damage(gunDamage); //kills zombie
                Debug.Log(name + " " + zombie);

        void Update() 
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))

您目前正在对附加在玩家身上的 Zombie 施加伤害,而不是附加在被击中的物体上。您可以从 RaycastHit hit 获得对它的引用。

if (Physics.Raycast(rayOrigin, fpsCamera.transform.forward, out hit, weaponRange, layerMask))
    Zombie zombieHit = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<Zombie>();
    zombieHit.Damage(gunDamage); //kills zombie
    Debug.Log(name + " " + zombieHit);