GameplayKit + SceneKit, GKAgent 旋转转换

GameplayKit + SceneKit, GKAgent rotation conversion

我在 Scenekit(和 ARKit,尽管这对这个问题并不重要)应用程序中使用 GameplayKit 一直很有趣。


我已经设法在组件内使用 GKAgent 在场景中四处移动,并避开其他对象。这一切似乎都在起作用。但是,我只能让 GKAgent 位置工作,而不是 "rotation" 属性。

import Foundation
import SceneKit
import GameplayKit

class MoveComponent: GKScnComponent, GKAgentDelegate {

   //this class is abbreviated for perfunctory sakes   

   func agentWillUpdate(_ agent: GKAgent) {
    guard let visualComponent = entity?.component(ofType: self.visualType) as? VisualComponent else {

     //works with just "position", but turns possessed with both rotation and position
    agentSeeking.rotation = convertToFloat3x3(float4x4: visualComponent.parentMostNode.simdTransform)
    agentSeeking.position = visualComponent.parentMostNode.simdPosition

  func agentDidUpdate(_ agent: GKAgent) {
    guard let visualComponent = entity?.component(ofType: self.visualType) as? VisualComponent else {

    //works with just "position", but turns possessed with both rotation and position
    visualComponent.parentMostNode.simdPosition = agentSeeking.position
    visualComponent.parentMostNode.simdTransform = convertToFloat4x4(float3x3: agentSeeking.rotation)



import Foundation
import GameplayKit

func convertToFloat3x3(float4x4: simd_float4x4) -> simd_float3x3 {
  let column0 = convertToFloat3 ( float4: float4x4.columns.0 )
  let column1 = convertToFloat3 ( float4: float4x4.columns.1 )
  let column2 = convertToFloat3 ( float4: float4x4.columns.2 )

  return simd_float3x3.init(column0, column1, column2)

func convertToFloat3(float4: simd_float4) -> simd_float3 {
  return simd_float3.init(float4.x, float4.y, float4.z)

func convertToFloat4x4(float3x3: simd_float3x3) -> simd_float4x4 {
  let column0 = convertToFloat4 ( float3: float3x3.columns.0 )
  let column1 = convertToFloat4 ( float3: float3x3.columns.1 )
  let column2 = convertToFloat4 ( float3: float3x3.columns.2 )
  let identity3 = simd_float4.init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1)

  return simd_float4x4.init(column0, column1, column2, identity3)

func convertToFloat4(float3: simd_float3) -> simd_float4 {
  return simd_float4.init(float3.x, float3.y, float3.z, 0)

我对这一切有点陌生,而且我不是线性代数大师,所以我不能 100% 确定我的矩阵转换函数是否完全按照它们应该做的去做。



我明白了。矩阵乘法是实现此功能的关键。任何有 3d 游戏开发经验的人都可能告诉我,无需任何脑力劳动:)

func agentWillUpdate(_ agent: GKAgent) {
    guard let visualComponent = entity?.component(ofType: self.visualType) as? VisualComponent else {

    agentSeeking.position = visualComponent.parentMostNode.simdPosition

    let rotation = visualComponent.parentMostNode.rotation
    let rotationMatrix = SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(rotation.w, rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z)
    let float4x4 = SCNMatrix4ToMat4(rotationMatrix)

    agentSeeking.rotation = convertToFloat3x3(float4x4: float4x4)

func agentDidUpdate(_ agent: GKAgent) {
    guard let visualComponent = entity?.component(ofType: self.visualType) as? VisualComponent else {

//    visualComponent.parentMostNode.simdPosition = agentSeeking.position
    let rotation3x3 = agentSeeking.rotation
    let rotation4x4 = convertToFloat4x4(float3x3: rotation3x3)
    let rotationMatrix = SCNMatrix4FromMat4(rotation4x4)
    let position = agentSeeking.position

    let translationMatrix = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(position.x, position.y, position.z)
    let transformMatrix = SCNMatrix4Mult(rotationMatrix, translationMatrix)

    visualComponent.parentMostNode.transform = transformMatrix
