
Move pixel with texture direction and texture velocity / GLSL

我写了一个小程序来简单地解释我的问题,我尝试用一​​个纹理改变图片的像素位置,其中分量 x 是方向,另一个代表速度。最后 objective 是使用来自 CPU 的数据,其中计算 NAVIER-STROKE 流体以移动 GLSL 中的像素。 CPU 代码在 Processing java 库中。 我试图理解我的代码中有什么错误,但我不明白像素转换是如何工作的。 首先,我在 CPU 中将值颜色的方向从 0 转换为 255,然后在 GPU 中将其转换为矢量方向,然后将其乘以速度并将其缩放为 1x1,但那不是'行不通...对不起,如果我的解释不是很稳定,但英语不是很流利。

link to the sketch


PImage tex_velocity, tex_direction ;
PShader warping;
PImage img ;
int grid_w, grid_h ;
void setup() {
  // img = loadImage("pirate_small.jpg");
  img = loadImage("puros_girl_small.jpg");
  grid_w = 60 ;
  grid_h = 37 ;
  tex_velocity = createImage(grid_w,grid_h,RGB);
  tex_direction = createImage(grid_w,grid_h,RGB);  
  warping = loadShader("shader/warp/rope_warp_frag.glsl");
  noise_img(tex_velocity, 20, .1, .1); // max translate for the pixel
    noise_img(tex_direction, 360, .1, .1); // degree direction

void draw() {

    if(frameCount%30 == 0) {
        noise_img(tex_velocity, 20, .1, .1); // max translate for the pixel
        noise_img(tex_direction, 360, .1, .1); // degree direction

    warping.set("mode", 0) ;
    warping.set("wh_ratio",1f/grid_w, 1f/grid_h);



  image(tex_direction,grid_w +15 ,5 );

float x_offset, y_offset ;
void noise_img(PImage dst, int max, float ratio_x, float ratio_y) {
    for(int x = 0 ; x < dst.width ; x++) {
        x_offset += ratio_x ;
        for(int y = 0 ; y < dst.height ; y++) {
            y_offset += ratio_y ;
            float v = map(noise(x_offset,y_offset),0,1,0,max);
            v = (int)map(v,0,max,0,g.colorModeX);
            int c = color(v,v,v,g.colorModeA) ;


#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;


#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

varying vec4 vertTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D texture;

uniform int mode;
uniform float roof_component_colour;

uniform sampler2D vel_texture;
uniform sampler2D dir_texture;
uniform vec2 wh_ratio;

float map(float value, float start1, float stop1, float start2, float stop2) {
  float result = start2 + (stop2 - start2) * ((value - start1) / (stop1 - start1));
  return result;

vec2 cartesian_coord(float angle) {
  float x = cos(angle);
  float y = sin(angle);
  return vec2(x,y);

vec2 translate(float fdir, float fvel) {
  float angle_in_radian = map(fdir, 0, roof_component_colour, -PI, PI);
  vec2 dir_cart = cartesian_coord(angle_in_radian);
  return dir_cart *fvel ;

void main() {
  vec2 ratio = gl_FragCoord.xy *wh_ratio;

  vec4 vel = texture2D(vel_texture, ratio);
  vec4 dir = texture2D(dir_texture, ratio);

  // rendering picture ;
  if(mode == 0) {
    float direction = dir.x;
    float velocity = vel.x;
    vec2 translation = translate(direction,velocity);

    // not bad, but totaly wrong
   //  vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st +translation 

   vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st *ratio +translation ;
   // not bad, but totaly wrong
    vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st *ratio +translation ;
    vec4 tex_colour = texture2D(texture, coord_dest);

    gl_FragColor = tex_colour;

  // velocity
  if(mode == 1 ) {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(vel_texture, vertTexCoord.st);;
  // direction force field
  if(mode == 2) {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(dir_texture, vertTexCoord.st);;

但是当你从纹理采样器中读取文本时,你会得到一个 0.0 到 1.0 范围内的浮点值。 (参见 glTexImage2D - GL_RGBA)。

在片段着色器中,您必须将从纹理采样器读取的颜色通道(在 [0, 1] 中)映射到从 -PI 到 PI 的范围。为此,您可以使用 GLSL 函数 mix,它在两个值之间进行线性插值:

vec2 translate(float fdir, float fvel) // fdir, fvel in [0.0, 1.0] 
  float angle = mix(-PI, PI, fdir);
  return vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * fvel;

纹理坐标在[0, 1]范围内。您必须将 translation 转换为纹理坐标。为此,您必须知道图像纹理的大小:

vec2 wh_ratio;     // 1f/grid_w, 1f/grid_h
vec2 imageTexSize; // size of "texture"

vec2 scale = imageTexSize * wh_ratio;
vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st + translation / scale;

谢谢你的帮助,现在我知道了 GLSL 中图片的图片尺寸 :) [0,1],但这不是预期的工作,我使用渲染尺寸或必须扭曲的图片,所以在我看来 vec2 imageTexSizeimg.width 并且 img.height 是从 Processing for imageTexSize

uniform vec2 imageTexSize;
vec2 scale = imageTexSize * wh_ratio;
vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st + translation / scale;



vec2 ratio = gl_FragCoord.xy *wh_ratio;
vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st +translation / ratio ;



vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st +translation / wh_ratio ;


抱歉,我 post 一张图片,因为我无法 post 多张以我的初学者声誉拍摄的照片 :)

我修复了完整 window 显示的显示错误,但现在是 y 坐标是平移的反向,这很奇怪,因为纹理速度和方向在 y 中没有反向,反向 y效果在于解释。这发生在 3 模式上。我试着像那样反转coord_dest.y

float coord_dest_y = mix(coord_dest.y, vertTexCoord.t, 0);
gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, vec2(coord_dest.x, coord_dest_y));


我尝试了:float coord_dest_y = mix(coord_dest.y, 0, vertTexCoord.t);但是这让事情变得很奇怪,所以这也行不通...

这里是完整的 GLSL 代码

#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;


#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

varying vec4 vertTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D texture;

uniform int mode;

uniform sampler2D vel_texture;
uniform sampler2D dir_texture;

uniform vec2 wh_grid_ratio;
uniform vec2 wh_renderer_ratio;

vec2 cartesian_coord(float angle) {
  float x = cos(angle);
  float y = sin(angle);
  return vec2(x,y);

vec2 translate(float fdir, float fvel) {
  //float angle = mix(PI, -PI,fdir);
  float angle = mix(fdir, PI, -PI);
  return cartesian_coord(angle) *fvel ;

void main() {
  vec2 ratio = gl_FragCoord.xy *wh_renderer_ratio;
  vec4 vel = texture2D(vel_texture, ratio);
  vec4 dir = texture2D(dir_texture, ratio);

  float direction = dir.x;
  float velocity = vel.x;
  vec2 translation = translate(direction,velocity);

  // mode 0 perfect
  // mode 1 interesting
  // mode 2 bizarre, but fun

  // mode 500 warp image direction
  // mode 501 warp image velocity

  // perfect
  if(mode == 0) {
    vec2 scale = gl_FragCoord.xy *wh_renderer_ratio; 
    vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st +translation /scale;
    float coord_dest_y = mix(coord_dest.y, vertTexCoord.t, 0);
    // float coord_dest_y = mix(coord_dest.y, 0, vertTexCoord.t);

    gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, vec2(coord_dest.x, coord_dest_y));
    //  gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, coord_dest);

   // interesting
  if(mode == 1) {
    vec2 scale = gl_FragCoord.xy *wh_grid_ratio;
    vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st +translation /scale ;
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, coord_dest);

  // bizarre
  if(mode == 2) {
    vec2 coord_dest = vertTexCoord.st +translation /wh_grid_ratio;
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, coord_dest);

  // velocity
  if(mode == 500 ) {
    vec4 tex_colour = texture2D(vel_texture, vertTexCoord.st);;
    gl_FragColor = tex_colour;
  // direction force field
  if(mode == 501) {
    vec4 tex_colour = texture2D(dir_texture, vertTexCoord.st);;
    gl_FragColor = tex_colour;


和这里的图片结果,最后warping看到光标错误y enter image description here