
glBindAttribLocation, name parameter non-existent in shader

我一直在阅读这个问题和这里接受的答案:Explicit vs Automatic attribute location binding for OpenGL shaders


for ( int i = 0; i < Attribute::eCount; ++i )
    const char* name = attributeTable.Find( i );

    glBindAttribLocation( program, i, (const GLchar*)name );

我想知道当提供的名称参数在着色器中的任何地方都不存在时调用 glBindAttribLocation 是否合适。

如果我们在这里读到:,它表示 "It is also permissible to bind a generic attribute index to an attribute variable name that is never used in a vertex shader."

如果在着色器中定义了某个属性但未使用它,那么调用 glBindAttribLocation 似乎是可以的。我想知道如果该属性根本不存在是否可以。我的直觉是它很好,因为 glsl 编译器积极删除未使用的代码,但我似乎无法验证这一点。

为不存在的属性调用 glBindAttribLocation() 是完全合法的,而不是错误。 OpenGL规范中特别提到了这一点。以下内容来自 OpenGL 4.5 规范的第 365 页,第 11.1.1 节 "Vertex Attributes":

BindAttribLocation may be issued before any vertex shader objects are attached to a program object. Hence it is allowed to bind any name to an index, including a name that is never used as an attribute in any vertex shader object. Assigned bindings for attribute variables that do not exist or are not active are ignored.