Set attributes to a group as well?
import maya.cmds as cmds
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True)
for i in range(len(sel)):
cmds.setAttr((sel[i] + '.backfaceCulling'), 0)
import maya.cmds as cmds
# dag flag is used to find everything below (like shapes)
# so we specify we want only tansform nodes
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True, dag=True, type='transform')
for i in sel:
# we create a string attr for the current object 'i' because we will
# use it multiple times
attr = '{0}.backfaceCulling'.format(i)
# We check if this transform node has an attribute backfaceCulling
if cmds.ls(attr):
# if yes, let's set the Attr
cmds.setAttr(attr, 0)
编辑 --- 多个属性的一个示例:
import maya.cmds as cmds
# dag flag is used to find everything below (like shapes)
# so we specify we want only tansform nodes
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True, dag=True, type='transform')
# Multiple choices for multiple attr to change :
# attrs = ['backfaceCulling', 'visibility']
# OR if you have different values
# attrs = [['backfaceCulling', 0],
# ['visibility', 1]]
# OR better go with dictionnaries if you have multiple values :
attr_dic = {'backfaceCulling' : 0,
'visibility': 1}
# you may add type if you need to
# attr_dic = {'translate' : (0,1,3),
# 'visibility': 1,
# 'type_translate' : 'double3',
# 'backfaceCulling':1}
for a in attr_dic.keys():
# keys return : backfaceCulling and visibility
fullAttr = ['{0}.{1}'.format(i, a) for i in sel if cmds.ls('{0}.{1}'.format(i, a)) if cmds.ls('{0}.{1}'.format(i, a))]
# This list comprehension return :['pSphere1.visibility','pSphere2.visibility','pSphere3.visibility','pSphere4.visibility','pSphere5.visibility']
# syntax of list comprehension : [i for i in list if condition], it is used instead of normal for loop because it is really fast
for attr in fullAttr:
#for each obj, set value
cmds.setAttr(attr, attr_dic[a])
# if you are using type :
# if not attr_dic.get('type_{0}'.format(a)):
# cmds.setAttr(attr, attr_dic[a])
# else:
# t = attr_dic['type_{0}'.format(a)]
# cmds.setAttr(attr, *attr_dic[a], type=t)
import maya.cmds as cmds
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True)
for i in range(len(sel)):
cmds.setAttr((sel[i] + '.backfaceCulling'), 0)
import maya.cmds as cmds
# dag flag is used to find everything below (like shapes)
# so we specify we want only tansform nodes
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True, dag=True, type='transform')
for i in sel:
# we create a string attr for the current object 'i' because we will
# use it multiple times
attr = '{0}.backfaceCulling'.format(i)
# We check if this transform node has an attribute backfaceCulling
if cmds.ls(attr):
# if yes, let's set the Attr
cmds.setAttr(attr, 0)
编辑 --- 多个属性的一个示例:
import maya.cmds as cmds
# dag flag is used to find everything below (like shapes)
# so we specify we want only tansform nodes
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True, dag=True, type='transform')
# Multiple choices for multiple attr to change :
# attrs = ['backfaceCulling', 'visibility']
# OR if you have different values
# attrs = [['backfaceCulling', 0],
# ['visibility', 1]]
# OR better go with dictionnaries if you have multiple values :
attr_dic = {'backfaceCulling' : 0,
'visibility': 1}
# you may add type if you need to
# attr_dic = {'translate' : (0,1,3),
# 'visibility': 1,
# 'type_translate' : 'double3',
# 'backfaceCulling':1}
for a in attr_dic.keys():
# keys return : backfaceCulling and visibility
fullAttr = ['{0}.{1}'.format(i, a) for i in sel if cmds.ls('{0}.{1}'.format(i, a)) if cmds.ls('{0}.{1}'.format(i, a))]
# This list comprehension return :['pSphere1.visibility','pSphere2.visibility','pSphere3.visibility','pSphere4.visibility','pSphere5.visibility']
# syntax of list comprehension : [i for i in list if condition], it is used instead of normal for loop because it is really fast
for attr in fullAttr:
#for each obj, set value
cmds.setAttr(attr, attr_dic[a])
# if you are using type :
# if not attr_dic.get('type_{0}'.format(a)):
# cmds.setAttr(attr, attr_dic[a])
# else:
# t = attr_dic['type_{0}'.format(a)]
# cmds.setAttr(attr, *attr_dic[a], type=t)