
Verification of transformation matrix usage in vertex shader. Correctness or normals transformation


#version 120
uniform mat4 transformationMatrix;
void main() {
    vec3 normal, lightDir;
    vec4 diffuse, ambient, globalAmbient;
    float NdotL;
    // Transformation part
    normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal * transpose(mat3(transformationMatrix));
    gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * transformationMatrix * gl_Vertex;
    // Calculate color
    lightDir = normalize(vec3(gl_LightSource[0].position));
    NdotL = max(abs(dot(normal, lightDir)), 0.0);
    diffuse = gl_Color * gl_LightSource[0].diffuse;
    ambient = gl_Color * gl_LightSource[0].ambient;
    globalAmbient = gl_LightModel.ambient * gl_Color;
    gl_FrontColor =  NdotL * diffuse + globalAmbient + ambient;

我在第 8-9 行执行所有转换。 你能评论一下这种方法是否正确吗?


由于 v * transpose(M) 与 M * v 完全相同,您根本没有对非均匀缩放进行任何特殊情况处理。


normal = gl_NormalMatrix * transpose(inverse(mat3(transformationMatrix))) * gl_Normal;

有关这背后数学的更多详细信息,请查看 this

如果要创建普通矩阵,那么就得用左上3*3的inverse transpose,4*4的矩阵

Why transforming normals with the transpose of the inverse of the modelview matrix?
Why is the transposed inverse of the model view matrix used to transform the normal vectors?


normal = gl_NormalMatrix * transpose(inverse(mat3(transformationMatrix))) * gl_Normal;


GLSL Programming/Vector and Matrix Operations

这意味着您可以像这样编写代码并避免 transpose 操作:

normal = gl_NormalMatrix * (gl_Normal * inverse(mat3(transformationMatrix)));

如果4*4的矩阵transformationMatrix是一个Orthogonal matrix, this means the X, Y, and Z axis are Orthonormal(单位向量且相互垂直),那么用左上角的3*3就够了。在这种情况下,逆矩阵等于转置矩阵。

In which cases is the inverse matrix equal to the transpose?


normal = gl_NormalMatrix * mat3(transformationMatrix) * gl_Normal;


normal = gl_NormalMatrix * (gl_Normal * transpose(mat3(transformationMatrix)));

请注意,这与您在代码中所做的不同,因为 * 操作是从左到右处理的(参见 GLSL - The OpenGL Shading Language 4.6, 5.1 Operators, page 97),而 [=28] 的结果=]

vec3 v;
mat3 m1, m2;

(m1 * v) * m2


m1 * (v * m2);