Sink 和 Source 是不同长度的 Vecs

Sink and Source are different length Vecs



package problems

import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._

class Compare1 extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in1 = Input(Vec(5, UInt(3.W)))
    val in2 = Input(Vec(5, UInt(3.W)))
    val out = Output(Vec(6, UInt(3.W)))

  val L = 5

  io.out := io.in2 

  val ml = 4

  for (l <- 0 until ml) {    
    when (io.in2(l) === io.in1(L - ml + l)) {
      io.out(l) := io.in1(l) 

  val m = (2*L) - ml
  for (i <- ml until m) {
    io.out(i) := io.in2(i - (L - ml))


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Errors: 1: in the following tutorials
Tutorial Compare1: exception Connection between sink (Vec(chisel3.core.UInt@80, chisel3.core.UInt@82, chisel3.core.UInt@84, chisel3.core.UInt@86, chisel3.core.UInt@88, chisel3.core.UInt@8a)) and source (Vec(chisel3.core.UInt@6a, chisel3.core.UInt@6c, chisel3.core.UInt@6e, chisel3.core.UInt@70, chisel3.core.UInt@72)) failed @: Sink and Source are different length Vecs.

错误与以下行有关:io.out := io.in2,io.out 是长度为 6 的 Vec,而 io.in2 是长度为 5 的 Vec。如错误所述,您无法连接不同长度的vec在一起。

如果您希望将 io.in2 的索引 0 到 4 连接到 io.out,请尝试

for (i <- 0 until io.in2.size) { io.out(i) := io.in2(i) }