SystemVerilog:自动变量不能为静态 reg 出现非阻塞赋值
SystemVerilog: Automatic variables cannot have non-blocking assignments appearing for static reg
这在 Quartus 中符合要求:
task InitAutoRefresh;
reg [$clog2(AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS):0] AutoRefreshCounter = 0;
AutoRefreshCounter <= AutoRefreshCounter + 1;
InitState <= (AutoRefreshCounter < AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS) ? InitState : InitState + 1;
InitCmd <= (AutoRefreshCounter == 0) ? CMD_AR : CMD_NOP;
但是 Modelsim 给我这个错误:
# ** Error (suppressible): C:/projects/Camera-RAM-VGA/ (vlog-2244) Variable 'AutoRefreshCounter' is implicitly static. You must either explicitly declare it as static or automatic
# or remove the initialization in the declaration of variable.
现在,当我在 reg [$clog2(AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS):0] AutoRefreshCounter = 0;
前面添加 static
时,Quartus 给我这个错误(看起来与我的更改相反):
Error (10959): SystemVerilog error at illegal assignment - automatic variables can't have non-blocking assignments
这指向我刚刚添加 static
我能想到的唯一可能的解释是,当我将 static
添加到这个 reg
时,它开始将其他 regs 视为 automatic
我只是将 AutoRefreshCounter
的声明移到任务之外。那么很明显,变量只在时间 0 被初始化一次。(这就是首先出现 "Implicitly static" 错误消息的原因)。
这在 Quartus 中符合要求:
task InitAutoRefresh;
reg [$clog2(AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS):0] AutoRefreshCounter = 0;
AutoRefreshCounter <= AutoRefreshCounter + 1;
InitState <= (AutoRefreshCounter < AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS) ? InitState : InitState + 1;
InitCmd <= (AutoRefreshCounter == 0) ? CMD_AR : CMD_NOP;
但是 Modelsim 给我这个错误:
# ** Error (suppressible): C:/projects/Camera-RAM-VGA/ (vlog-2244) Variable 'AutoRefreshCounter' is implicitly static. You must either explicitly declare it as static or automatic
# or remove the initialization in the declaration of variable.
现在,当我在 reg [$clog2(AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS):0] AutoRefreshCounter = 0;
前面添加 static
时,Quartus 给我这个错误(看起来与我的更改相反):
Error (10959): SystemVerilog error at illegal assignment - automatic variables can't have non-blocking assignments
这指向我刚刚添加 static
我能想到的唯一可能的解释是,当我将 static
添加到这个 reg
时,它开始将其他 regs 视为 automatic
我只是将 AutoRefreshCounter
的声明移到任务之外。那么很明显,变量只在时间 0 被初始化一次。(这就是首先出现 "Implicitly static" 错误消息的原因)。