NSCopy GKGameModel 不能正确复制玩家对象
NSCopy GKGameModel doesn't copy player objects correctly
我正在尝试使用 swift NSCopy 对 GKGameModel 的对象进行深度复制,包括所有玩家及其钱包参考(包含代表他们现金的整数)。
使用 Swift playgrounds 我尝试将 100 美元记入所有复制的玩家,但保持原始玩家对象完好无损。
Game class, a GKGameModel
Player class, a GKPlayerModel
Wallet class, handles very basic player's Int transactions.
- 复制游戏class、所有玩家及其链接的钱包class
- 为复制的玩家记入 100 美元。
- 原来的玩家应该还有$0
// Uses Swift playground
import GameplayKit
class Game : NSObject, GKGameModel{
override var description: String {
return ("game: \(String(describing: self.players))")
// -- GKGameModel code follows --
var players: [GKGameModelPlayer]?
var activePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer?
func gameModelUpdates(for player: GKGameModelPlayer) -> [GKGameModelUpdate]? {
return nil
func unapplyGameModelUpdate(_ gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
func apply(_ gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
func setGameModel(_ gameModel: GKGameModel) {
guard let inputModel = gameModel as? Game else {
assertionFailure("No game model initialised")
guard let players = inputModel.players else {
assertionFailure("No players initialised")
self.activePlayer = inputModel.activePlayer
self.players = players
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
print ("copying game obj!")
let copy = Game()
copy.players = self.players // if I do not include it, copy.players is nil
return copy
class Player : NSObject, NSCopying, GKGameModelPlayer {
override var description: String {
return ("name: \(name), cash: $\(cash), wallet: $\(wallet.balance)")
internal var playerId: Int = 0 {
didSet {
print ("Set playerId = \(self.playerId)")
var name: String
var cash : Int = 0
var wallet : Wallet = Wallet()
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
print ("copying player!!") // this code is never reached
let copy = self
copy.wallet = self.wallet.copy(with: zone) as! Wallet
return copy
enum WalletError : Error {
case mustBePositive
case notEnoughFunds
fileprivate protocol WalletDelegate {
var balance : Int { get }
func credit(amount: Int) throws
func debit(amount: Int) throws
class Wallet : NSCopying, CustomStringConvertible, WalletDelegate {
public private(set) var balance: Int = 0
func credit(amount: Int = 0) throws {
try canCredit(amount: amount)
self.balance += amount
func debit(amount: Int = 0) throws {
try canDebit(amount: amount)
self.balance -= amount
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
print ("copy wallet") // this code is never reached
let copy = Wallet()
return copy
extension Wallet {
private func canCredit(amount: Int) throws {
guard amount > 0 else {
throw WalletError.mustBePositive
private func canDebit(amount: Int) throws {
guard amount > 0 else {
throw WalletError.mustBePositive
guard self.balance >= amount else {
throw WalletError.notEnoughFunds
guard (self.balance - amount >= 0) else {
throw WalletError.notEnoughFunds
extension Wallet {
var description: String {
return ("Balance: $\(self.balance)")
let players : [GKGameModelPlayer] = [ Player.init(name: "Bob"), Player.init(name: "Alex"), Player.init(name: "John") ]
let game = Game()
game.players = players
func copyTheGame() {
let copiedGame = game.copy() as! Game
print ("BEFORE:")
print ("Original: \(String(describing: game))")
print ("Copied: \(String(describing: copiedGame))")
print ("----")
if let copiedPlayers = copiedGame.players {
for p in copiedPlayers as! [Player] {
do {
p.cash = 100 // try to manipulate a class variable.
try p.wallet.credit(amount: 100)
} catch let err {
print (err.localizedDescription)
print ("AFTER:")
print ("Original: \(String(describing: game))")
print ("Copied: \(String(describing: copiedGame))")
print ("----")
copying game obj!
Original: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: Alex, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: John, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=]])
Copied: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: Alex, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: John, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=]])
Original: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: Alex, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: John, cash: 0, wallet: 0])
Copied: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: Alex, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: John, cash: 0, wallet: 0])
- 玩家复制代码永远不会被命中
- 钱包复制码永远不会被命中
- 记入的 100 美元会同时影响原件和副本。
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = Game()
let duplicate = self.players?.map({ (player: GKGameModelPlayer) -> GKGameModelPlayer in
let person = player as! Player
let copiedPlayer = person.copy(with: zone) as! Player
return copiedPlayer
copy.players = duplicate
return copy
这也让我复制了所有玩家对象;播放器和钱包中的 copy() 函数 class 受到攻击。
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = Game()
let duplicate = self.players?.map({ (player: GKGameModelPlayer) -> GKGameModelPlayer in
let person = player as! Player
let copiedPlayer = person.copy(with: zone) as! Player
return copiedPlayer
copy.players = duplicate
return copy
我正在尝试使用 swift NSCopy 对 GKGameModel 的对象进行深度复制,包括所有玩家及其钱包参考(包含代表他们现金的整数)。
使用 Swift playgrounds 我尝试将 100 美元记入所有复制的玩家,但保持原始玩家对象完好无损。
Game class, a GKGameModel
Player class, a GKPlayerModel
Wallet class, handles very basic player's Int transactions.
- 复制游戏class、所有玩家及其链接的钱包class
- 为复制的玩家记入 100 美元。
- 原来的玩家应该还有$0
// Uses Swift playground
import GameplayKit
class Game : NSObject, GKGameModel{
override var description: String {
return ("game: \(String(describing: self.players))")
// -- GKGameModel code follows --
var players: [GKGameModelPlayer]?
var activePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer?
func gameModelUpdates(for player: GKGameModelPlayer) -> [GKGameModelUpdate]? {
return nil
func unapplyGameModelUpdate(_ gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
func apply(_ gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
func setGameModel(_ gameModel: GKGameModel) {
guard let inputModel = gameModel as? Game else {
assertionFailure("No game model initialised")
guard let players = inputModel.players else {
assertionFailure("No players initialised")
self.activePlayer = inputModel.activePlayer
self.players = players
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
print ("copying game obj!")
let copy = Game()
copy.players = self.players // if I do not include it, copy.players is nil
return copy
class Player : NSObject, NSCopying, GKGameModelPlayer {
override var description: String {
return ("name: \(name), cash: $\(cash), wallet: $\(wallet.balance)")
internal var playerId: Int = 0 {
didSet {
print ("Set playerId = \(self.playerId)")
var name: String
var cash : Int = 0
var wallet : Wallet = Wallet()
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
print ("copying player!!") // this code is never reached
let copy = self
copy.wallet = self.wallet.copy(with: zone) as! Wallet
return copy
enum WalletError : Error {
case mustBePositive
case notEnoughFunds
fileprivate protocol WalletDelegate {
var balance : Int { get }
func credit(amount: Int) throws
func debit(amount: Int) throws
class Wallet : NSCopying, CustomStringConvertible, WalletDelegate {
public private(set) var balance: Int = 0
func credit(amount: Int = 0) throws {
try canCredit(amount: amount)
self.balance += amount
func debit(amount: Int = 0) throws {
try canDebit(amount: amount)
self.balance -= amount
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
print ("copy wallet") // this code is never reached
let copy = Wallet()
return copy
extension Wallet {
private func canCredit(amount: Int) throws {
guard amount > 0 else {
throw WalletError.mustBePositive
private func canDebit(amount: Int) throws {
guard amount > 0 else {
throw WalletError.mustBePositive
guard self.balance >= amount else {
throw WalletError.notEnoughFunds
guard (self.balance - amount >= 0) else {
throw WalletError.notEnoughFunds
extension Wallet {
var description: String {
return ("Balance: $\(self.balance)")
let players : [GKGameModelPlayer] = [ Player.init(name: "Bob"), Player.init(name: "Alex"), Player.init(name: "John") ]
let game = Game()
game.players = players
func copyTheGame() {
let copiedGame = game.copy() as! Game
print ("BEFORE:")
print ("Original: \(String(describing: game))")
print ("Copied: \(String(describing: copiedGame))")
print ("----")
if let copiedPlayers = copiedGame.players {
for p in copiedPlayers as! [Player] {
do {
p.cash = 100 // try to manipulate a class variable.
try p.wallet.credit(amount: 100)
} catch let err {
print (err.localizedDescription)
print ("AFTER:")
print ("Original: \(String(describing: game))")
print ("Copied: \(String(describing: copiedGame))")
print ("----")
copying game obj!
Original: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: Alex, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: John, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=]])
Copied: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: Alex, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=], name: John, cash: [=12=], wallet: [=12=]])
Original: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: Alex, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: John, cash: 0, wallet: 0])
Copied: game: Optional([name: Bob, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: Alex, cash: 0, wallet: 0, name: John, cash: 0, wallet: 0])
- 玩家复制代码永远不会被命中
- 钱包复制码永远不会被命中
- 记入的 100 美元会同时影响原件和副本。
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = Game()
let duplicate = self.players?.map({ (player: GKGameModelPlayer) -> GKGameModelPlayer in
let person = player as! Player
let copiedPlayer = person.copy(with: zone) as! Player
return copiedPlayer
copy.players = duplicate
return copy
这也让我复制了所有玩家对象;播放器和钱包中的 copy() 函数 class 受到攻击。
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = Game()
let duplicate = self.players?.map({ (player: GKGameModelPlayer) -> GKGameModelPlayer in
let person = player as! Player
let copiedPlayer = person.copy(with: zone) as! Player
return copiedPlayer
copy.players = duplicate
return copy