是否转换为仅由 char[] 组成的结构并从定义明确的数组中读取?

Is casting to a struct that consists solely of a char[] and reading from that array well defined?

reinterpret_cast 有很多用途可以编译,但都是 UB。它仅在少数情况下得到明确定义。目前对我来说很重要的是:

假设我有一个缓冲区,其中包含我要解析的二进制结构。我使用仅包含 char a[100]struct 并使用方法来提取位于 a[3]uint32_t。是否将缓冲区转换为结构,然后以这种方式访问​​结构的数组?

如果是,我想那是因为上面的两条规则;但是,我也有一半希望这些规则不适用于 char[],或者我可能会遇到某种对齐问题,因为它是一个数组而不仅仅是 char*


struct Overlay {
    char a[100];

    uint32_t parseSomeField() const {
        return my_char_to_uint32_t_function(&a[3]);

int main() {
    std::vector<char> buffer(1024);
    // fill buffer
    auto overlay = reinterpret_cast<const Overlay*>(&buffer[0]);
    std::cout << overlay->parseSomeField() << std::endl;

我假设用简单的 char *a 替换 char a[100] 肯定没问题,但是通过给 Overlay 我想要解析的结构的大小,它允许我做还有以下内容:

Overlay overlay;
// fill overlay by writing into it directly
std::cout << overlay.parseSomeField() << std::endl;



感谢回答和评论,我很清楚 reinterpret_cast 的这种用法是 UB。以下支持使用现有缓冲区 直接复制到结构中。你也可以做 sizeof,这很好。此外,这应该明确定义:

struct VersatileOverlay {
    char a[100];

    static uint32_t parseSomeField(const char *a) {
        return some_char_to_uint32_t_function(a + 3);

    uint32_t parseSomeField() const {
        return parseSomeField(&a[0]);

int main() {
    std::vector<char> buffer(1024);
    // fill buffer
    std::cout << VersatileOverlay::parseSomeField(&buffer[0]) << std::endl;

    VersatileOverlay vo;
    memcpy(&vo, /*source ptr*/, sizeof(VersatileOverlay));
    std::cout << vo.parseSomeField() << std::endl;

parseSomeField() 及其兄弟姐妹将简单地调用它们的静态对象,将它们传递给内部缓冲区。

Is casting to a struct that consists solely of a char[] and reading from that array well defined?

根据以下规则,它不是 well-defined:


If a program attempts to access the stored value of an object through a glvalue whose type is not similar ([conv.qual]) to one of the following types the behavior is undefined:

  • the dynamic type of the object,
  • a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the dynamic type of the object, or
  • a char, unsigned char, or std::byte type.

None 这些列出的类型是 Overlay,当基础对象是 char.



parseSomeField(const char* a) const {
    return my_char_to_uint32_t_function(a + 3);



或者,如果您确实有一个类似于 Overlay 的 class:
