如何将自训练的 word2vec 保存到格式为 'word2vec-google-news' 或 'glove.6b.50d' 的 txt 文件

How to save self-trained word2vec to a txt file with format like 'word2vec-google-news' or 'glove.6b.50d'

我想知道如何将自训练的 word2vec 保存到格式为 'word2vec-google-news' 或 'glove.6b.50d' 的 txt 文件中,其中包含标记后跟匹配的向量。

我将自己训练的向量导出到 txt 文件,该文件只有向量,但这些向量前面没有标记。


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import math
import random
import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange
import zipfile
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd

filename = ('data/data.zip')

# Step 1: Read the data into a list of strings.
def read_data(filename):
  with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as f:
    data = tf.compat.as_str(f.read(f.namelist()[0])).split()
    return data

words = read_data(filename)
#print('Data size', len(words))

# Step 2: Build the dictionary and replace rare words with UNK token.
vocabulary_size = 50000
def build_dataset(words):
    count = [['UNK', -1]]
    count.extend(collections.Counter(words).most_common(vocabulary_size - 1))
    dictionary = dict()
    for word, _ in count:
        dictionary[word] = len(dictionary)
    data = list()
    unk_count = 0
    for word in words:
        if word in dictionary:
            index = dictionary[word]
            index = 0
            unk_count += 1
    count[0][1] = unk_count
    reverse_dictionary = dict(zip(dictionary.values(), dictionary.keys()))
    return data, count, dictionary, reverse_dictionary

data, count, dictionary, reverse_dictionary = build_dataset(words)

#del words  # Hint to reduce memory.
#print('Most common words (+UNK)', count[:5])
#print('Sample data', data[:10], [reverse_dictionary[i] for i in data[:10]])

data_index = 0

# Step 3: Function to generate a training batch for the skip-gram model.
def generate_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window):
    global data_index
    assert batch_size % num_skips == 0
    assert num_skips <= 2 * skip_window
    batch = np.ndarray(shape=(batch_size), dtype=np.int32)
    labels = np.ndarray(shape=(batch_size, 1), dtype=np.int32)
    span = 2 * skip_window + 1  # [ skip_window target skip_window ]
    buffer = collections.deque(maxlen=span)
    for _ in range(span):
        data_index = (data_index + 1) % len(data)
    for i in range(batch_size // num_skips):
        target = skip_window  # target label at the center of the buffer
        targets_to_avoid = [skip_window]
        for j in range(num_skips):
            while target in targets_to_avoid:
                target = random.randint(0, span - 1)
            batch[i * num_skips + j] = buffer[skip_window]
            labels[i * num_skips + j, 0] = buffer[target]
        data_index = (data_index + 1) % len(data)
    return batch, labels

batch, labels = generate_batch(batch_size=8, num_skips=2, skip_window=1)
#for i in range(8):
 #print(batch[i], reverse_dictionary[batch[i]],'->', labels[i, 0], reverse_dictionary[labels[i, 0]])

# Step 4: Build and train a skip-gram model.
batch_size = 128
embedding_size = 128
skip_window = 2
num_skips = 2
valid_size = 9
valid_window = 100
num_sampled = 64    # Number of negative examples to sample.
valid_examples = np.random.choice(valid_window, valid_size, replace=False)

graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
    # Input data.
    train_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
    train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size, 1])
    valid_dataset = tf.constant(valid_examples, dtype=tf.int32)

    # Ops and variables pinned to the CPU because of missing GPU implementation
    with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
        # Look up embeddings for inputs.
        embeddings = tf.Variable(
            tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0))
        embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, train_inputs)

        # Construct the variables for the NCE loss
        nce_weights = tf.Variable(
            tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size],
                                stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(embedding_size)))
        nce_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size]),dtype=tf.float32)

    # Compute the average NCE loss for the batch.
    # tf.nce_loss automatically draws a new sample of the negative labels each
    # time we evaluate the loss.
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.nn.nce_loss(weights=nce_weights,biases=nce_biases, inputs=embed, labels=train_labels,
                 num_sampled=num_sampled, num_classes=vocabulary_size))

    # Construct the SGD optimizer using a learning rate of 1.0.
    optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0).minimize(loss)

    # Compute the cosine similarity between minibatch examples and all embeddings.
    norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embeddings), 1, keep_dims=True))
    normalized_embeddings = embeddings / norm
    valid_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(normalized_embeddings, valid_dataset)
    similarity = tf.matmul(valid_embeddings, normalized_embeddings, transpose_b=True)

    # Add variable initializer.
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# Step 5: Begin training.
num_steps = 20000

with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session:
    # We must initialize all variables before we use them.

    average_loss = 0
    for step in xrange(num_steps):
        batch_inputs, batch_labels = generate_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window)
        feed_dict = {train_inputs: batch_inputs, train_labels: batch_labels}

        # We perform one update step by evaluating the optimizer op (including it
        # in the list of returned values for session.run()
        _, loss_val = session.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        average_loss += loss_val

        #if step % 2000 == 0:
         #   if step > 0:
          #      average_loss /= 2000
            # The average loss is an estimate of the loss over the last 2000 batches.
           # print("Average loss at step ", step, ": ", average_loss)
            #average_loss = 0

    final_embeddings = normalized_embeddings.eval()

np.savetxt('data/w2v.txt', final_embeddings)

您可能想查看 gensim_save_word2vec_format() 的实现,以获取编写该格式的 Python 代码示例:


def _save_word2vec_format(fname, vocab, vectors, fvocab=None, binary=False, total_vec=None):
    """Store the input-hidden weight matrix in the same format used by the original
    C word2vec-tool, for compatibility.
    fname : str
        The file path used to save the vectors in.
    vocab : dict
        The vocabulary of words.
    vectors : numpy.array
        The vectors to be stored.
    fvocab : str, optional
        File path used to save the vocabulary.
    binary : bool, optional
        If True, the data wil be saved in binary word2vec format, else it will be saved in plain text.
    total_vec : int, optional
        Explicitly specify total number of vectors
        (in case word vectors are appended with document vectors afterwards).
    if not (vocab or vectors):
        raise RuntimeError("no input")
    if total_vec is None:
        total_vec = len(vocab)
    vector_size = vectors.shape[1]
    if fvocab is not None:
        logger.info("storing vocabulary in %s", fvocab)
        with utils.open(fvocab, 'wb') as vout:
            for word, vocab_ in sorted(iteritems(vocab), key=lambda item: -item[1].count):
                vout.write(utils.to_utf8("%s %s\n" % (word, vocab_.count)))
    logger.info("storing %sx%s projection weights into %s", total_vec, vector_size, fname)
    assert (len(vocab), vector_size) == vectors.shape
    with utils.open(fname, 'wb') as fout:
        fout.write(utils.to_utf8("%s %s\n" % (total_vec, vector_size)))
        # store in sorted order: most frequent words at the top
        for word, vocab_ in sorted(iteritems(vocab), key=lambda item: -item[1].count):
            row = vectors[vocab_.index]
            if binary:
                row = row.astype(REAL)
                fout.write(utils.to_utf8(word) + b" " + row.tostring())
                fout.write(utils.to_utf8("%s %s\n" % (word, ' '.join(repr(val) for val in row))))