
paint polygon collider during gameplay

我正在开发一个 2D 游戏,其中一些对象具有三角形视觉,使用多边形对撞机完成


假设你的意思是 PolygonCollider2D 并且它总是以正确的顺序有 3 个点,我想你可以做类似

using System.Linq;


[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(PolygonCollider2D))]
public class MeshCreator : MonoBehaviour
    void Awake ()
        var points = GetComponent<PolygonCollider2D>().points;
        var meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        var mesh = new Mesh();

        // Just a shorthand for something like 
        //var list = new List<Vector3>();
        //foreach(var p in points)
        //    list.Add(p);
        //mesh.vertices = list.ToArray();
        mesh.vertices = points.Select(p -> (Vector3) p).ToArray();

        // Here create two triangles (each 3 vertices)
        // just because I don't know if you have the points in the correct order
        mesh.triangles = new int[]{0,1,2,0,2,1};

        meshFilter.mesh = mesh;

并将此组件放在 PolygonCollider2D 旁边。然后它将用三角形替换此对象的网格。


要获得此重叠区域,最简单的解决方案是半透明 materials。否则你可能需要一个特殊的着色器。