如何从 spritekit 中的节点中删除颜色

How do I remove color from node in spritekit

tile nodes 启用了纹理,如果您按下一个图块,它会以 SKColor 突出显示。现在,如果我再次按下瓷砖,我希望颜色消失,只显示下面的纹理。我知道 .clear 但这会使整个图块透明,并在此过程中也删除了纹理。只是想知道是否有办法去除我刚刚添加的颜色,以便我可以再次看到纹理。

Apple's documentationSKShapeNode.fillTexture


The default fill color of a SKShapeNode is SKColor.clear. Since the fill texture is blended with the fill color, fillColor needs to be set to a non-clear color for it to display. For example, to display the texture without any color blend effects, set fillColor to SKColor.white.
