我如何在 Unity 中对多个对象使用 MoveTowards 方法

How can i use MoveTowards method in Unity for more than one object

我打算在随机位置创建 GameObjects,然后每帧滑动到目标位置。

我手动创建了一个对象 onstart(),我在 update() 中使用了 MoveTowards 方法并且它起作用了,但我想同时对许多对象做同样的事情(大约 10 个对象): 如果我创建了多个对象,它就不起作用。


GameObject Go = Instantiate(M1, new Vector3(-5, 10, 0), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
Go.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(Go.transform.position, new Vector3(10, -20, 0), 0.05f);

制作一个新脚本,我们称之为Mover。给它 public Vector3 destinationpublic float rate 字段和一个 Update 方法,用 MoveTowards:

public class Mover: MonoBehaviour
    public Vector3 destination;
    public Vector3 rate;

    void Update()
        transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, destination, rate * Time.deltaTime);

Mover 附加到 M1 预制件。

然后,当您实例化每个 M1 时,设置其 Mover 组件的 destinationrate

 GameObject Go = Instantiate(M1, new Vector3(-5, 10, 0), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
 Mover goMover = Go.GetComponent<Mover>();
 goMover.destination = new Vector3(10, -20, 0); 
 goMover.rate = 3f;


  • 每秒添加一个新对象
  • 移动所有对象


public class ObjectController : MonoBehaviour
    // Here we will store all Transform references
    // linked to the according target position
    private Dictionary<Transform, Vector3> objects = new Dictionary<Transform, Vector3>();

    public GameObject prefab;

    // A simple timer for the spawning
    private float timer;

    // Here we will track objets that reached the Target and shall be destroyed
    List<GameObject> objectsToDestroy = new List<GameObject>();

    private void Update()
        // Spawn a new object every second but only until maximum of 10 existing objects
        if(objects.Keys.Length < 10)
            timer += Time.deltaTime;
            if(timer > 1f)
                timer = 0;

                // However you generate your random start Position
                Vector3 startPos = GetRandomStartPosition();
                // However you generate your random target position
                Vector3 targetPos = GetRandomTargetPosition(startPos);
                var obj = Instantiate(prefab, startPos, Quaternion.Identity).transform;

                // Add this new transform and according target Position to the dictionary
                objects.Add(obj, targetPos);

        // Now go through the items in objects and move them all
        foreach(var kvp in objects)
            var obj = kvp.Key;
            var targetPos = KVP.Value;
            obj.MoveTowards(obj.position, targetPos, 0.05f * Time.deltaTime);

            // Do NOT use collisions for detecting if the object reaches but directly this
            if(obj.position == targetPos)
            // this uses a proximity of 0.00001f if you really need 0 instead use
            //if(Mathf.Approximately(Vector3.Distance(obj.position, targetPos), 0))
                // mark this object for removal

        // Finally remove all objects that reached from the dict and destroy them
        foreach(var obj in objectsToDestroy)


private Vector3 GetRandomStartPosition ()
    return new Vector3(
        Random.Range(-10f, 10f),
        Random.Range(-10f, 10f),
        Random.Range(-10f, 10f)

private Vector3 GetRandomTargetPosition(Vector3 startPos)
    return startPos + new Vector3(
            Random.Range(-1f, 1f),
            Random.Range(-1f, 1f),
            Random.Range(-1f, 1f)


实际上是的,如果您希望许多对象(成百上千个)并行移动,最好只有一个组件控制它们,以避免 Update 调用的开销。但是对于只有 10 个对象,我可能宁愿坚持 对每个对象使用一个移动组件。
