通过叉积将向量旋转 90 度
Rotate a vector by 90 degree via cross product
我试图理解一个代码,其中作者将 3D 向量旋转了 90 度。他们使用叉积来做到这一点。叉积如何包含旋转 90 度?任何解释都会有所帮助。
% Inputs:
% V #vertices by dim list of mesh vertex positions
% F #faces by simplex-size list of mesh face indices
% Gradient of a scalar function defined on piecewise linear elements (mesh)
% is constant on each triangle i,j,k:
% grad(Xijk) = (Xj-Xi) * (Vi - Vk)^R90 / 2A + (Xk-Xi) * (Vj - Vi)^R90 / 2A
% grad(Xijk) = Xj * (Vi - Vk)^R90 / 2A + Xk * (Vj - Vi)^R90 / 2A +
% -Xi * (Vi - Vk)^R90 / 2A - Xi * (Vj - Vi)^R90 / 2A
% where Xi is the scalar value at vertex i, Vi is the 3D position of vertex
% i, and A is the area of triangle (i,j,k). ^R90 represent a rotation of
% 90 degrees
% renaming indices of vertices of triangles for convenience
i1 = F(:,1); i2 = F(:,2); i3 = F(:,3);
% #F x 3 matrices of triangle edge vectors, named after opposite vertices
v32 = V(i3,:) - V(i2,:); v13 = V(i1,:) - V(i3,:); v21 = V(i2,:) - V(i1,:);
% area of parallelogram is twice area of triangle
% area of parallelogram is || v1 x v2 ||
n = cross(v32,v13,2);
% This does correct l2 norm of rows so that it contains #F list of twice
% triangle areas
dblA = normrow(n);
% now normalize normals to get unit normals
u = normalizerow(n);
% rotate each vector 90 degrees around normal ---- ????
eperp21 = bsxfun(@times,cross(u,v21),1./dblA);
eperp13 = bsxfun(@times,cross(u,v13),1./dblA);
在 3d 中,两个向量 a
和 b
的 cross product a x b
导致向量 p := a x b
垂直 到 a
和 b
这意味着如果您将向量与表示旋转轴的单位向量 u
交叉相乘,您将得到一个围绕旋转轴旋转 90 度的向量。
我试图理解一个代码,其中作者将 3D 向量旋转了 90 度。他们使用叉积来做到这一点。叉积如何包含旋转 90 度?任何解释都会有所帮助。
% Inputs:
% V #vertices by dim list of mesh vertex positions
% F #faces by simplex-size list of mesh face indices
% Gradient of a scalar function defined on piecewise linear elements (mesh)
% is constant on each triangle i,j,k:
% grad(Xijk) = (Xj-Xi) * (Vi - Vk)^R90 / 2A + (Xk-Xi) * (Vj - Vi)^R90 / 2A
% grad(Xijk) = Xj * (Vi - Vk)^R90 / 2A + Xk * (Vj - Vi)^R90 / 2A +
% -Xi * (Vi - Vk)^R90 / 2A - Xi * (Vj - Vi)^R90 / 2A
% where Xi is the scalar value at vertex i, Vi is the 3D position of vertex
% i, and A is the area of triangle (i,j,k). ^R90 represent a rotation of
% 90 degrees
% renaming indices of vertices of triangles for convenience
i1 = F(:,1); i2 = F(:,2); i3 = F(:,3);
% #F x 3 matrices of triangle edge vectors, named after opposite vertices
v32 = V(i3,:) - V(i2,:); v13 = V(i1,:) - V(i3,:); v21 = V(i2,:) - V(i1,:);
% area of parallelogram is twice area of triangle
% area of parallelogram is || v1 x v2 ||
n = cross(v32,v13,2);
% This does correct l2 norm of rows so that it contains #F list of twice
% triangle areas
dblA = normrow(n);
% now normalize normals to get unit normals
u = normalizerow(n);
% rotate each vector 90 degrees around normal ---- ????
eperp21 = bsxfun(@times,cross(u,v21),1./dblA);
eperp13 = bsxfun(@times,cross(u,v13),1./dblA);
在 3d 中,两个向量 a
和 b
的 cross product a x b
导致向量 p := a x b
垂直 到 a
和 b
这意味着如果您将向量与表示旋转轴的单位向量 u
交叉相乘,您将得到一个围绕旋转轴旋转 90 度的向量。