Chisel/FIRRTL DefnameDifferentPortsException

Chisel/FIRRTL DefnameDifferentPortsException

我最近将我的一个大项目的Chisel版本从3.1.1更新到3.4.0;但是,我得到了一堆 firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$DefnameDifferentPortsException:

firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$DefnameDifferentPortsException: : ports of extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM with defname XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM are different for an extmodule with the same defname
firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$DefnameDifferentPortsException: : ports of extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM_1 with defname XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM are different for an extmodule with the same defname
// and so on 241 times

这是 XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM 的定义及其依赖项:

class XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM(width: Int,
                                       depth: Int,
                                       performance: String="HIGH_PERFORMANCE",
                                       initFile: String="",
                                       ramStyle: String="block",
                                       val useReset: Boolean=false)
                                       extends BlackBox(Map("RAM_WIDTH" -> width,
                                                            "RAM_DEPTH" -> depth,
                                                            "RAM_PERFORMANCE" -> performance,
                                                            "INIT_FILE" -> initFile,
                                                            "RAM_STYLE" -> ramStyle))
                                       with HasBlackBoxResource with Memory {
    val io = IO(new XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO(log2Ceil(depth), width))
    val acceptedRamStyles = Seq("block", "distributed", "registers", "ultra")
    require(acceptedRamStyles contains ramStyle)
    def write(wrAddr: UInt, wrData: UInt, wrEn: Bool): Unit = {
      io.wea := wrEn
      io.addra := wrAddr
      io.dina := wrData

    def read(rdAddr: UInt, rdEn: Bool): UInt = {
      io.addrb := rdAddr
      io.regceb := rdEn
      io.enb := rdEn

    def defaultBindings(clock: Clock, reset: core.Reset): Unit = {
      io.clock := clock
        io.reset := reset
        io.reset := false.B

trait Memory extends BaseModule {
  def read(rdAddr: UInt, rdEn: Bool): UInt
  def write(wrAddr: UInt, wrData: UInt, wrEn: Bool): Unit
  val latency: Int = 2

class XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMIO(addrWidth: Int, dataWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
    val addra  = Input(UInt(addrWidth.W))
    val addrb  = Input(UInt(addrWidth.W))
    val dina   = Input(UInt(dataWidth.W))
    val wea    = Input(Bool())
    val enb    = Input(Bool())
    val regceb = Input(Bool())
    val doutb  = Output(UInt(dataWidth.W))

    override def cloneType = (new XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMIO(addrWidth, dataWidth)).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO(addrWidth: Int, dataWidth: Int) extends XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMIO(addrWidth, dataWidth) {
    val clock  = Input(Clock())
    val reset  = Input(Reset())

    override def cloneType = (new XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO(addrWidth, dataWidth)).asInstanceOf[this.type]

Verilog 资源XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM.v 是 Vivado 中可用的 BRAM 实例化模板之一:

module XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM #(
  parameter RAM_WIDTH = 64,                       // Specify RAM data width
  parameter RAM_DEPTH = 512,                      // Specify RAM depth (number of entries)
  parameter INIT_FILE = "",                       // Specify name/location of RAM initialization file if using one (leave blank if not)
  parameter RAM_STYLE = "block"                   // Target memory type. Accepted values: block, distributed, registers, ultra (UltraScale+ only)
) (
  input [clogb2(RAM_DEPTH-1)-1:0] addra, // Write address bus, width determined from RAM_DEPTH
  input [clogb2(RAM_DEPTH-1)-1:0] addrb, // Read address bus, width determined from RAM_DEPTH
  input [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] dina,          // RAM input data
  input wea,                           // Write enable
  input enb,                           // Read Enable, for additional power savings, disable when not in use
  input regceb,                        // Output register enable
  output [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] doutb,         // RAM output data
  input clock,                          // Clock
  input reset                          // Output reset (does not affect memory contents)

  (* ram_style = RAM_STYLE *) reg [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] BRAM [RAM_DEPTH-1:0];
  reg [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] ram_data = {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};

  // The following code either initializes the memory values to a specified file or to all zeros to match hardware
    if (INIT_FILE != "") begin: use_init_file
        $readmemh(INIT_FILE, BRAM, 0, RAM_DEPTH-1);
    end else begin: init_bram_to_zero
      integer ram_index;
        for (ram_index = 0; ram_index < RAM_DEPTH; ram_index = ram_index + 1)
          BRAM[ram_index] = {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};

  always @(posedge clock) begin
    if (wea)
      BRAM[addra] <= dina;
    if (enb)
      ram_data <= BRAM[addrb];

  //  The following code generates HIGH_PERFORMANCE (use output register) or LOW_LATENCY (no output register)
    if (RAM_PERFORMANCE == "LOW_LATENCY") begin: no_output_register

      // The following is a 1 clock cycle read latency at the cost of a longer clock-to-out timing
       assign doutb = ram_data;

    end else begin: output_register

      // The following is a 2 clock cycle read latency with improve clock-to-out timing

      reg [RAM_WIDTH-1:0] doutb_reg = {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};

      always @(posedge clock)
        if (reset)
          doutb_reg <= {RAM_WIDTH{1'b0}};
        else if (regceb)
          doutb_reg <= ram_data;

      assign doutb = doutb_reg;


  //  The following function calculates the address width based on specified RAM depth
  function integer clogb2;
    input integer depth;
      for (clogb2=0; depth>0; clogb2=clogb2+1)
        depth = depth >> 1;



我从CheckSpec.scala中的测试中了解到它应该throw an exception if ExtModules have matching port names and widths, but a different order,所以我试图使Chisel BlackBox中的输入顺序与Verilog模块中的输入顺序相同但我仍然遇到异常。

测试throw an exception if parameterless ExtModules have the same ports, but different widths让我认为具有不同端口宽度的多个实例化可能是异常的原因,但还有另一个测试说它应该NOT throw an exception if ExtModules have parameters, matching port names, but different widths,这是这里的情况是因为端口宽度由参数控制。


更新:根据要求,这里是黑盒的两个实例化的 FIRRTL IR:

  extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM : 
    input addra : UInt<14>
    input addrb : UInt<14>
    input dina : UInt<1>
    input wea : UInt<1>
    input enb : UInt<1>
    input regceb : UInt<1>
    output doutb : UInt<1>
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : Reset
    defname = XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM
    parameter RAM_STYLE = "block"
    parameter RAM_WIDTH = 1
    parameter RAM_DEPTH = 16384
    parameter INIT_FILE = ""

  extmodule XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM_1 : 
    input addra : UInt<6>
    input addrb : UInt<6>
    input dina : UInt<518>
    input wea : UInt<1>
    input enb : UInt<1>
    input regceb : UInt<1>
    output doutb : UInt<518>
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : Reset
    defname = XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM
    parameter RAM_STYLE = "distributed"
    parameter RAM_WIDTH = 518
    parameter RAM_DEPTH = 64
    parameter INIT_FILE = ""

更新 2:显然,一些 XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM 正在使用旧版本的 XilinxSimpleDualPortBRAMBlackBoxIO,其中重置类型仍然是 Bool 而不是 Reset。更改解决了问题。

此检查应该在引用特定 BlackBox 时禁止不可能的情况。即,以下必须为真:

  • 如果BlackBox没有参数,则所有端口必须具有相同的名称、相同的宽度、相同的顺序
  • 如果 BlackBox 有参数,则所有端口必须具有相同的名称和相同的顺序(但可以有不同的宽度)

听起来您的示例生成的 BlackBox 违反了后一个条件(因为您的 BlackBox 有参数),或者这暴露了 FIRRTL 编译器检查中的错误。

从未检查过实际的 Verilog 模块,因此不会在此处造成任何问题。

您能否更新您的问题以提供产生这些错误的 FIRRTL IR?具体来说,XilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAMXilinxSimpleDualPortNoChangeBRAM_1 的 FIRRTL IR 是什么样的?这应该在像“Foo.fir”这样的文件中。或者,您可以执行以下操作:

import chisel3.stage.ChiselStage

/* Note: this is emitChirrtl ("chirrtl") as you want the FIRRTL emitted from Chisel. */
println(ChiselStage.emitChirrtl(new MyTopModule))