Canvas 圆圈碰撞,圆圈碰撞后应该移动到哪里?
Canvas circle collision, how to work out where circles should move to once collided?
我正在尝试在 html canvas 中构建游戏。这是一款空中曲棍球游戏,我已经玩得很远了。游戏中一共有三个圆圈,被击中的圆盘和两个控制器(用来击中disc/circle)。
这是一个 Codepen link 我目前的进度。您可以看到冰球从控制器上弹回,但方向不正确。您还会看到冰球是否来自它穿过它的控制器后面。
这是我的碰撞检测函数。 Self refer's to the disc and controller[i] 是光盘命中的控制器。
this.discCollision = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < controllers.length; i++) {
// Minus the x pos of one disc from the x pos of the other disc
var distanceX = self.x - controllers[i].x,
// Minus the y pos of one disc from the y pos of the other disc
distanceY = self.y - controllers[i].y,
// Multiply each of the distances by itself
// Squareroot that number, which gives you the distance between the two disc's
distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY),
// Added the two disc radius together
addedRadius = self.radius + controllers[i].radius;
// Check to see if the distance between the two circles is smaller than the added radius
// If it is then we know the circles are overlapping
if (distance <= addedRadius) {
var newVelocityX = (self.velocityX * (self.mass - controllers[i].mass) + (2 * controllers[i].mass * controllers[i].velocityX)) / (self.mass + controllers[i].mass);
var newVelocityY = (self.velocityY * (self.mass - controllers[i].mass) + (2 * controllers[i].mass * controllers[i].velocityX)) / (self.mass + controllers[i].mass);
self.velocityX = newVelocityX;
self.velocityY = newVelocityY;
self.x = self.x + newVelocityX;
self.y = self.y + newVelocityY;
解构了一个圆形碰撞演示并尝试实现他们的碰撞公式。这是下面的,用于向前和向下击打 puck/disc 但由于某种原因不会向后或向上击打。
this.discCollision = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < controllers.length; i++) {
// Minus the x pos of one disc from the x pos of the other disc
var distanceX = self.x - controllers[i].x,
// Minus the y pos of one disc from the y pos of the other disc
distanceY = self.y - controllers[i].y,
// Multiply each of the distances by itself
// Squareroot that number, which gives you the distance between the two disc's
distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY),
// Added the two disc radius together
addedRadius = self.radius + controllers[i].radius;
// Check to see if the distance between the two circles is smaller than the added radius
// If it is then we know the circles are overlapping
if (distance < addedRadius) {
var normalX = distanceX / distance,
normalY = distanceY / distance,
midpointX = (controllers[i].x + self.x) / 2,
midpointY = (controllers[i].y + self.y) / 2,
delta = ((controllers[i].velocityX - self.velocityX) * normalX) + ((controllers[i].velocityY - self.velocityY) * normalY),
deltaX = delta*normalX,
deltaY = delta*normalY;
// Rebound puck
self.x = midpointX + normalX * self.radius;
self.y = midpointY + normalY * self.radius;
self.velocityX += deltaX;
self.velocityY += deltaY;
// Accelerate once hit
self.accelerationX = 3;
self.accelerationY = 3;
我最近只解决了这个问题的圆圈碰撞检测部分,但我遇到的一个解决方案包括用于建立新矢量方向的代码。 Ira Greenburg 在 上托管了他的原始来源。 Ira 进一步引用了 Keith Peter 在 Foundation Actionscript Animation: Making Things Move!
我将 Ira 的代码复制到 Processing 的 Javascript 模式,然后将其推送到 Github Pages,这样您就可以在尝试之前看到它。
我的代码的主要问题是用户控制器连接到鼠标。当发生碰撞时,该函数将不断 运行 因为鼠标位置仍然使圆圈接触。我更改了代码,因此控制器由用户键盘控制。
我还在 reddit 上寻求帮助,并得到了一些关于我的碰撞代码的帮助。链接的一些好的资源。
我正在尝试在 html canvas 中构建游戏。这是一款空中曲棍球游戏,我已经玩得很远了。游戏中一共有三个圆圈,被击中的圆盘和两个控制器(用来击中disc/circle)。
这是一个 Codepen link 我目前的进度。您可以看到冰球从控制器上弹回,但方向不正确。您还会看到冰球是否来自它穿过它的控制器后面。
这是我的碰撞检测函数。 Self refer's to the disc and controller[i] 是光盘命中的控制器。
this.discCollision = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < controllers.length; i++) {
// Minus the x pos of one disc from the x pos of the other disc
var distanceX = self.x - controllers[i].x,
// Minus the y pos of one disc from the y pos of the other disc
distanceY = self.y - controllers[i].y,
// Multiply each of the distances by itself
// Squareroot that number, which gives you the distance between the two disc's
distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY),
// Added the two disc radius together
addedRadius = self.radius + controllers[i].radius;
// Check to see if the distance between the two circles is smaller than the added radius
// If it is then we know the circles are overlapping
if (distance <= addedRadius) {
var newVelocityX = (self.velocityX * (self.mass - controllers[i].mass) + (2 * controllers[i].mass * controllers[i].velocityX)) / (self.mass + controllers[i].mass);
var newVelocityY = (self.velocityY * (self.mass - controllers[i].mass) + (2 * controllers[i].mass * controllers[i].velocityX)) / (self.mass + controllers[i].mass);
self.velocityX = newVelocityX;
self.velocityY = newVelocityY;
self.x = self.x + newVelocityX;
self.y = self.y + newVelocityY;
解构了一个圆形碰撞演示并尝试实现他们的碰撞公式。这是下面的,用于向前和向下击打 puck/disc 但由于某种原因不会向后或向上击打。
this.discCollision = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < controllers.length; i++) {
// Minus the x pos of one disc from the x pos of the other disc
var distanceX = self.x - controllers[i].x,
// Minus the y pos of one disc from the y pos of the other disc
distanceY = self.y - controllers[i].y,
// Multiply each of the distances by itself
// Squareroot that number, which gives you the distance between the two disc's
distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY),
// Added the two disc radius together
addedRadius = self.radius + controllers[i].radius;
// Check to see if the distance between the two circles is smaller than the added radius
// If it is then we know the circles are overlapping
if (distance < addedRadius) {
var normalX = distanceX / distance,
normalY = distanceY / distance,
midpointX = (controllers[i].x + self.x) / 2,
midpointY = (controllers[i].y + self.y) / 2,
delta = ((controllers[i].velocityX - self.velocityX) * normalX) + ((controllers[i].velocityY - self.velocityY) * normalY),
deltaX = delta*normalX,
deltaY = delta*normalY;
// Rebound puck
self.x = midpointX + normalX * self.radius;
self.y = midpointY + normalY * self.radius;
self.velocityX += deltaX;
self.velocityY += deltaY;
// Accelerate once hit
self.accelerationX = 3;
self.accelerationY = 3;
我最近只解决了这个问题的圆圈碰撞检测部分,但我遇到的一个解决方案包括用于建立新矢量方向的代码。 Ira Greenburg 在 上托管了他的原始来源。 Ira 进一步引用了 Keith Peter 在 Foundation Actionscript Animation: Making Things Move!
中的解决方案我将 Ira 的代码复制到 Processing 的 Javascript 模式,然后将其推送到 Github Pages,这样您就可以在尝试之前看到它。
我的代码的主要问题是用户控制器连接到鼠标。当发生碰撞时,该函数将不断 运行 因为鼠标位置仍然使圆圈接触。我更改了代码,因此控制器由用户键盘控制。
我还在 reddit 上寻求帮助,并得到了一些关于我的碰撞代码的帮助。链接的一些好的资源。 (