努力将偏移图像纹理应用于 Unity 中立方体基元的所有面

Struggling to apply offset image texture to all sides of a cube primitive in Unity

我在 Unity 中有一个纹理包含四个不同的拼接在一起的图像(见下文)。

我的目标是获取图像的绿色“底部-左”部分,并使用网格 UV 将其作为纹理应用于 Unity 中立方体基元的所有面。问题是我没有完全掌握顶点的排列方式,所以我很难使纹理正确匹配。

如果您查看下面的代码,变量 bottomLeft、bottomRight、topLeft 和 topRight 对应于我图像纹理的绿色“BOTTOM-LEFT”部分。您只需将提供的图像拖到 Unity 中的立方体上并将此脚本添加到 Start() 即可轻松进行测试。

到目前为止,我已经设法找出立方体的 'front'、'top' 和 'back' 面...但是 'bottom' 和 'left' 边由于某种原因被旋转了 90 度......而 'right' 是完全错误的。我不知道哪些 UV 对应什么,所以我只是在猜测尝试重新排列 UV[xx]。

void Start()
    Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;         
    Vector2[] UVs = new Vector2[mesh.vertices.Length];

    Vector2 bottomLeft = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
    Vector2 bottomRight = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.0f);
    Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.5f);
    Vector2 topRight = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

    /* Working */

    // front
    UVs[0] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[1] = bottomRight;       
    UVs[2] = topLeft;           
    UVs[3] = topRight;          

    // top
    UVs[8] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[9] = bottomRight;       
    UVs[4] = topLeft;           
    UVs[5] = topRight;          

    // back
    UVs[10] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[11] = bottomRight;      
    UVs[6] = topLeft;           
    UVs[7] = topRight;          

    /* Kinda Working */

    // bottom
    UVs[13] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[12] = bottomRight;       
    UVs[14] = topLeft;           
    UVs[15] = topRight;          

    // left
    UVs[18] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[16] = bottomRight;      
    UVs[17] = topLeft;           
    UVs[19] = topRight;          

    /* Not Working */

    // right
    UVs[21] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[20] = bottomRight;       
    UVs[22] = topLeft;           
    UVs[23] = topRight;          

    mesh.uv = UVs;



    // front side of cube
    UVs[0] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[1] = bottomRight;       
    UVs[2] = topLeft;           
    UVs[3] = topRight;          

    // top side of cube
    UVs[4] = topLeft;           
    UVs[5] = topRight;          
    UVs[8] = bottomLeft;       // note here it's UVs 8 and 9 for 'top'
    UVs[9] = bottomRight;         

    // back side of cube
    UVs[6] = bottomRight;      // and UVs 6 and 7 are actually part of 'back'
    UVs[7] = bottomLeft;         
    UVs[10] = topRight;          
    UVs[11] = topLeft;              

    // bottom side of cube
    UVs[12] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[13] = topLeft;           
    UVs[14] = topRight;          
    UVs[15] = bottomRight;       

    // left side of cube
    UVs[16] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[17] = topLeft;           
    UVs[18] = topRight;          
    UVs[19] = bottomRight;       
    // right side of cube
    UVs[20] = bottomLeft;        
    UVs[21] = topLeft;           
    UVs[22] = topRight;          
    UVs[23] = bottomRight;