
Arrays in uniform blocks cannot be indexed with vertex attributes, right?


layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout (location = 1) in flat int idx;

layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform uniformValues
        float values[100];

void main() 


'in flat int idx'

很可能不是 'dynamically uniform expression',并且根据文档不能用于索引到统一缓冲区数组:

There are places where GLSL requires the expression to be dynamically uniform. All of the following must use a dynamically uniform expression:

-The index to buffer-backed interface block arrays.

但是我从 same source 中了解到有关如何访问为 'bindless textures' 保存纹理句柄的采样器数组的信息,它说(强调我的):

Sampler and image types used in default block uniform variables can be populated from handles rather than the index of a binding point. These types can also now be passed as Shader Stage inputs/outputs (using the flat interpolation qualifier where needed). They can be used as Vertex Attributes, where they are treated as 64-bit integers on the OpenGL side. And they can be used in Interface Blocks of all kinds; buffer-backed interface blocks treat them as 64-bit integers.


layout (location = 0) in flat int textureBinding;

layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D textures[16];

void main()


layout (location = 0) in flat int bindlessTextureHandle;

layout (binding = 0) uniform textureBuffer 
      sampler2D textures[200];

void main()

'bindlessTextureHandle' 不是 'dynamically uniform expression',它如何用于索引统一缓冲区?


-The index to buffer-backed interface block arrays.

那么为什么说您可以使用顶点输入的值索引到 'interface blocks' 中的所有类型?


'uniform sampler2D[16] textures;'

与 'non-dynamically uniform expression'?

My understanding is that this is not possible because

in flat int idx

Is most likely not a 'dynamically uniform expression', and according to the documentation cannot be used to index into a uniform buffer array.


layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform uniformValues
        float values[100];


 layout(binding = 0, std140) uniform myUBO
         float value;
 } myUBOArray[4];

你的问题的其余部分变得更加模糊。您有时会引用“缓冲区支持的接口块数组的索引”,您的代码从不使用它。这是在谈论 SSBO,它使用 layout(...) buffer foo {...}.


So why is it saying that you can index into 'interface blocks' of all kinds with values from vertex inputs?


Also are you allowed to index into:

uniform sampler2D[16] textures; with a 'non-dynamically uniform expression'?

不,不在标准 GL 中。

关于无绑定纹理的第一件事是,这不是迄今为止发布的任何 OpenGL 版本(即 4.6在撰写本文时)。它仅被定义为一些现代 GPU 和驱动程序公开的 extension GL_ARB_bindless_textures,但该功能的可用性远非通用.

其次,上面的扩展规范解释说:“传递给纹理内置函数的采样器和图像句柄必须是动态统一的”,所以它仍然无法让您到达那里。但是,扩展 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 删除了该限制。因此,在最近的 NVIDIA GPU 上,您可以在无绑定纹理采样器数组中获得非动态统一索引 - 但如果这样做,性能仍然会受到很大影响。


索引数组 统一块中从来不限于动态统一表达式(通常,见下文)。即使在 GL 3.x 中,您也可以使用任意索引在缓冲区支持的块中索引数组。


整个序列必须是动态统一的(除非您使用的是 NVIDIA,它允许任意表达式)。无论您是在索引 SSBO 数组、使用输入变量直接传递纹理句柄,还是其他任何东西,都没有关系。导致获取采样器类型的值必须是动态统一的。

So why is it saying that you can index into 'interface blocks' of all kinds with values from vertex inputs?


对“动态统一”的一个常见误解是它是静态的属性。表达式 本身 要么是动态统一的,要么不是。这接近于真实,但实际上并非如此。


然而,动态统一是关于表达式的。所有调用(在渲染命令中)必须产生相同的 value。着色器阶段的 in 变量可以是动态统一的,只要它恰好在渲染命令中始终具有相同的值。例如,VS 可以使用 gl_DrawID(动态统一)从 uniform 数组访问值,将其作为 in 传递给 FS,然后 FS 可以使用该值作为采样器。或者访问一组采样器。管他呢。所有 FS 调用将在绘制命令中获得相同的值,因此该值是动态统一的。