Flame Error: Cannot run with sound null safety

Flame Error: Cannot run with sound null safety

安装 flame 后,当我 运行 我的应用程序处于 flutter 状态时(flutter 运行)。我收到一个关于空安全的长错误:

Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
Error: Cannot run with sound null safety, because the following dependencies
don't support null safety:

 - package:flame
 - package:ordered_set
 - package:box2d_flame
 - package:audioplayers
 - package:path_provider
 - package:flutter_svg
 - package:path_provider_linux
 - package:path_provider_windows
 - package:path_provider_platform_interface
 - package:uuid
 - package:xdg_directories
 - package:plugin_platform_interface
 - package:crypto
 - package:convert
 - package:path_drawing
 - package:xml
 - package:path_parsing
 - package:petitparser

您使用的是不支持空安全的旧版本 (0.29.3),您必须使用 1.0.0 的较新候选版本之一。

  flame: ^1.0.0-releasecandidate.11
