
Mouse motion collide on a Rect that's not on the main Surface

我正在尝试制作一个库存系统,您可以在其中单击库存中的项目。库存本身是一个单独的表面,当用户单击 'Inven' 按钮时创建和绘制。


我正在通过检查 mousemotion 事件来解决这个问题,然后查看事件位置是否与库存项目 rect 发生碰撞。


例如:在库存表面 (0,0) 处的 Bliting 库存项目将其放置在库存表面的左上角,而不是主表面。所以我没有传递项目相对于整个游戏的实际坐标。


我想我必须找到物品相对于整个游戏的实际坐标,但考虑到 Pygame 能够理解物品相对于绘制表面的坐标,这似乎很奇怪.



class Game:
    """Game settings and options"""
    def __init__(self, gameTitle):
        self.width = 800
        self.height = 600
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) # main surface
        self.fps = 60
        self.statusTextTimer = -1
        self.textBlurbShowing = False # the 'blurb' is the text to be shown on hover
        self.textBlurbTimer = -1
        self.textBlurb = None
# creates text on hover
def hoverText(text, pos):
    gameMaster.textBlurbShowing = True
    gameMaster.textBlurbTimer = 0
    gameMaster.textBlurb = gameMaster.Text(12, gameMaster)
    gameMaster.textBlurb.create(text, 'Black', pos[0], pos[1])
        if event.type == MOUSEMOTION and gameMaster.textBlurbShowing == False and inventoryClicked:
            for item in player.inventory.contents:
                if item.rect.collidepoint((event.pos)):
                    print('Collided') # was making sure event was registering
                    hoverText(item.desc, (event.pos[0], event.pos[1]))
class Inventory:
    def __init__(self, posx, posy, size):
        self.posx = posx
        self.posy = posy
        self.size = size
        self.surf = pygame.Surface((size,size), pygame.SRCALPHA)
        self.rect = self.surf.get_rect(x=posx, y=posy)
        self.textSurf = pygame.font.SysFont('Lucidia Console', 22).render('Inventory', True, 'White')
        self.textRect = self.textSurf.get_rect()
        self.textRect.x = self.textRect.x + 10
        self.textRect.y = self.textRect.y + 10
        self.slotCoords = {
            1:(0,100), 2:(100,100), 3:(200,100), 4:(300,100),
            5:(0,200), 6:(100,200), 7:(200,200), 8:(300,200),
            9:(0,300), 10:(100,300), 11:(200,300), 12:(300,300),} # inv slot : (x,y) all slots must be 100x100 
# ^^^ these are the coordinates each inventory slot uses, they're passed to an item in the slot for drawing.
# Checking collisions uses these coordinates relative to the main surface, but when drawing, it works with the inventory surface.
        self.contents = []


Is there a way in code to get the coordinates of an item relative to the main surface, that is not being drawn on the main surface?


让我们假设,在 pygame.Surface dest_surf:

上的位置 (item_x, item_y) 绘制一个 item_image
item_rect = item_image.get_rect(topleft = (item_x, item_y))
dest_surf.blit(item_image, item_rect)

稍后你 blitscreen 上的 dest_surf at (dest_x, dest_y):

screen.blit(dest_surf, (dest_x, dest_y))

item_image在屏幕上的边界矩形可以通过将(dest_x, dest_y)添加到item_rect的位置来计算:

screen_item_rect = item_rect.copy()
screen_item_rect.x += dest_x
screen_item_rect.y += dest_y


screen_item_rect = item_rect.move(dest_x, dest_y)