在 Spritekit 中取消暂停视图时 fps 显着下降

Significant fps drops when unpausing the view in Spritekit

我注意到在 SpriteKit 中取消暂停视图时 fps 明显下降(帧率下降 5-10fps)。我用空项目(Spritekit 游戏模板)试过这个。这是代码:

        self.view.paused = YES;
        self.view.paused = NO;

如果我暂停场景,一切都会按预期进行,帧稳定在 60fps。我正在设备上对此进行测试。

        self.paused = YES;
        self.paused = NO;


我假设它在取消暂停后会暂时下降?或者在取消暂停后它总是低帧率。这只发生在 iOS 8 或 iOS 9 上吗?你可以试试 iOS 9 吗?我相信这可能会发生,因为在取消暂停后它需要 Sprite-Kit 一点点到 "warm-up" 渲染周期。您可以尝试在仪器中进行分析,看看发生了什么。

至于解决方案,您可以尝试在取消暂停后暂时降低 SKPhysicsWorldspeed,这样物理就不会跳跃,因为 Sprite Kit 的时间步长可变,不幸的是不能改变。如果是跳跃的动作,您可以尝试降低 SKScenespeed。理想情况下,您应该两者都做。

此外,如果您只需要担心操作,您可以尝试只暂停场景而不是 SKView(但请记住,您的更新方法将 运行)。或者尝试暂时暂停场景,然后在取消暂停 SKView 后取消暂停。

除此之外,除了尝试为丢帧做准备外,您真的没有什么可以解决的。如果您还没有,一定要向 Apple 报告。

以下是所有这些属性的 class 参考。


If the value is YES, the scene’s content is fixed onscreen. No actions are executed and no physics simulation is performed.

SKScene - 速度

The default value is 1.0, which means that all actions run at their normal speed. If you set a different speed, time appears to run faster or slower for all actions executed on the node and its descendants. For example, if you set a speed value of 2.0, actions run twice as fast.

SKScene - 暂停

If the value is YES, the node (and all of its descendants) are skipped when a scene processes actions.

SKPhysicsWorld - 速度

The default value is 1.0, which means the simulation runs at normal speed. A value other than the default changes the rate at which time passes in the physics simulation. For example, a speed value of 2.0 indicates that time in the physics simulation passes twice as fast as the scene’s simulation time. A value of 0.0 pauses the physics simulation.