测试使用硬件构造的 Chisel 对象函数

Testing Chisel object functions that use hardware constructs

测试不属于生成硬件构造的模块的 Chisel 函数的正确方法是什么?

object Util {
  def getSquare(vec2d: Vec[Vec[Bool]]) : Seq[Seq[Bool]] = {
    val size = vec2d.size max vec2d(0).size
    return Seq.fill(size, size) {Wire(Bool())}

如何测试这个功能?因为它不是模块,所以标准的 Chisel 测试格式会报错。


  "test non-module generator" in {

    // pads out rectangular vec into square nested seq, fills with values based on indices
    class Wrapper extends Module {
      val square = (Util.getSquare(Vec(4, Vec(2,Bool()))))
      square.indices.foreach { i => square(i).indices.foreach { j => square(i)(j) := ((i + j ) % 2 == 0).B}}
      val out = IO(Output(Vec(4, Vec(4,Bool()))))
      out.indices.foreach { i => out(i).indices.foreach { j => out(i)(j) := square(i)(j)}}

    val firrtlSource = ChiselStage.emitFirrtl(new Wrapper)

    firrtlSource should contain ("wire square_4_4")

您还可以使用 chiseltest 基本测试工具测试您的包装函数,例如:

test(new Wrapper) { dut =>