SpriteKit 中 "nonuniformly scaled texture" 是什么意思?

What is the meaning of "nonuniformly scaled texture" in SpriteKit?

SKCropNode class 参考资料中,给出了一些指定掩码的示例。


This means a crop node can use simple masks derived from a piece of artwork, but it can also use more sophisticated masks. For example, here are some ways you might specify a mask:

  • An untextured sprite that limits content to a rectangular portion of the scene.

  • A textured sprite is a precise per-pixel mask. But consider also the benefits of a nonuniformly scaled texture. You could use a nonuniformly scaled texture to create a mask for a resizable user-interface element (such as a health bar) and then fill the masked area with dynamic content.

  • A collection of nodes can dynamically generate a complex mask that changes each time the frame is rendered.



非均匀缩放纹理是应用于具有 xScale != yScale.
