How to get the signed angle of a quaternion on an arbitrary axis
我没有进行任何调整,我仍在制作整个原型,但我在使用四元数时遇到了获取带符号旋转角度的问题,我查看了 Determining if quarternion rotation is clockwise or counter clockwise 在这里,但是我无法将解决方案推广到旋转可以位于的(几乎)任意平面。
private void FixedUpdate()
float desiredYaw = _yaw * _rotationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
float desiredPitch = -_pitch * _rotationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
float rotationStepSize = _throttle * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Quaternion toRotate = Quaternion.Euler(desiredPitch, 0, desiredYaw);
Quaternion straighRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_transform.forward, Vector3.up );
_rotation = _transform.rotation * toRotate;
float turningForce = Quaternion.Angle( _rotation, straighRotation );
_rigidbody.MoveRotation( _rotation );
_rigidbody.AddTorque( turningForce * _rotationForce * rotationStepSize * Vector3.up );
_rigidbody.AddRelativeForce( _speed * rotationStepSize * Vector3.forward );
由于您只需要一个描述飞机右侧向下程度的因子,因此您只需使用飞机右侧的 y 分量即可。无需引入四元数甚至三角函数。评论中的解释:
private void FixedUpdate()
// ...
// Calculate how downward local right is in range [-1,1]
// The more downward, the more tilted right the plane is
// positive = tilted right
// negative = tilted left
float turnFactor = -_transform.right.y;
// Could do things to modify turnFactor to affect easing here.
// For instance, if turning rate should start slower then rapidly increase:
// turnFactor = Mathf.Sign(turnFactor) * turnFactor * turnFactor;
// Use factor and _rotationForce member to calculate torque, apply along
// global up.
// We expect to call this every fixed frame so we can just use the default
// ForceMode of ForceMode.Force which multiplies fixed delta time inside.
_rigidbody.AddTorque(_rotationForce * turnFactor * Vector3.up);
// ...
我没有进行任何调整,我仍在制作整个原型,但我在使用四元数时遇到了获取带符号旋转角度的问题,我查看了 Determining if quarternion rotation is clockwise or counter clockwise 在这里,但是我无法将解决方案推广到旋转可以位于的(几乎)任意平面。
private void FixedUpdate()
float desiredYaw = _yaw * _rotationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
float desiredPitch = -_pitch * _rotationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
float rotationStepSize = _throttle * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Quaternion toRotate = Quaternion.Euler(desiredPitch, 0, desiredYaw);
Quaternion straighRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_transform.forward, Vector3.up );
_rotation = _transform.rotation * toRotate;
float turningForce = Quaternion.Angle( _rotation, straighRotation );
_rigidbody.MoveRotation( _rotation );
_rigidbody.AddTorque( turningForce * _rotationForce * rotationStepSize * Vector3.up );
_rigidbody.AddRelativeForce( _speed * rotationStepSize * Vector3.forward );
由于您只需要一个描述飞机右侧向下程度的因子,因此您只需使用飞机右侧的 y 分量即可。无需引入四元数甚至三角函数。评论中的解释:
private void FixedUpdate()
// ...
// Calculate how downward local right is in range [-1,1]
// The more downward, the more tilted right the plane is
// positive = tilted right
// negative = tilted left
float turnFactor = -_transform.right.y;
// Could do things to modify turnFactor to affect easing here.
// For instance, if turning rate should start slower then rapidly increase:
// turnFactor = Mathf.Sign(turnFactor) * turnFactor * turnFactor;
// Use factor and _rotationForce member to calculate torque, apply along
// global up.
// We expect to call this every fixed frame so we can just use the default
// ForceMode of ForceMode.Force which multiplies fixed delta time inside.
_rigidbody.AddTorque(_rotationForce * turnFactor * Vector3.up);
// ...