编辑器关闭后,Unity Scriptable Object 不保留其值

Unity Scriptable Object does not retain his values after the editor is closed


[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Assets/Gladio Games/Resources/Levels/LEVLE_TMP", menuName = "Utils/Crossword/Generate Empty Level", order = 100)]
public class Level : ScriptableObject
    public char[,] Table { get; protected set; }
    public  List<Crossword> Crosswords { get; protected set; }
    protected static char EMPTY_CHAR = '[=10=]';

    public Crossword GetCrosswordAtIndex(int x, int y, Direction direction)
        //Ottieni la prima e l'unica parola che si trova sotto quell'indice
        return Crosswords.First(crossword => crossword.Direction == direction && crossword.GetCrosswordIndexes().Contains(new Vector2(x, y)));


private static void Save(Level level, string path)
    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(level, path + ".asset");



查看 Script serialization rules


  • Serializers in Unity work directly on the fields of your C# classes rather than their properties, so there are rules that your fields must conform to to be serialized.

  • Note: Unity doesn’t support serialization of multilevel types (multidimensional arrays, jagged arrays, dictionaries, and nested container types)



  • 对于Crosswords

    • 确保类型 Crossword 本身是 [Serializable]

    • 改用字段

      public  List<Crossword> Crosswords;
  • 对于Table有多种方法。

    我可能会简单地使用包装器 class,例如

     // Could of course make this generic but for the drawer it easier this way for now
     public class Table
         private int xDimension = 1;
         private int yDimension = 1;
         private char[] flatArray = new char[1];
         public Table() { }
         public Table(char[,] array)
             xDimension = array.GetLength(0);
             yDimension = array.GetLength(1);
             flatArray = new char[xDimension * yDimension];
             for (var x = 0; x < xDimension; x++)
                 for (var y = 0; y < yDimension; y++)
                     flatArray[x * yDimension + y] = array[x, y];
         public Table(int x, int y)
             xDimension = x;
             yDimension = y;
             flatArray = new char[x * y];
         public Table(char[] array, int x, int y)
             xDimension = x;
             yDimension = y;
             flatArray = array;
         public char this[int x, int y]
             get => flatArray[x * yDimension + y];
             set => flatArray[x * yDimension + y] = value;
         private class TableDrawer : PropertyDrawer
             private const int k_elementSpacing = 5;
             public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
                 var height = 1f;
                 if (property.isExpanded)
                     height += property.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(Table.xDimension)).intValue * 1.5f;
                 return height * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
             public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
                 var foldoutRect = position;
                 foldoutRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                 foldoutRect.width = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                 property.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(foldoutRect, property.isExpanded, label);
                 if (property.isExpanded)
                     var xRect = position;
                     xRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                     xRect.x += foldoutRect.width;
                     xRect.width -= foldoutRect.width;
                     xRect.width *= 0.5f;
                     var yRect = xRect;
                     yRect.x += xRect.width;
                     var xDimension = property.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(Table.xDimension));
                     var yDimension = property.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(Table.yDimension));
                     var array = property.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(Table.flatArray));
                     using (var changeCheck = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope())
                         EditorGUI.PropertyField(xRect, xDimension, GUIContent.none);
                         EditorGUI.PropertyField(yRect, yDimension, GUIContent.none);
                         if (changeCheck.changed)
                             array.arraySize = xDimension.intValue * yDimension.intValue;
                     position.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f;
                     var elementRect = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(position);
                     var elementWidth = elementRect.width / yDimension.intValue - k_elementSpacing;
                     var elementHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                     var currentPosition = elementRect;
                     currentPosition.width = elementWidth;
                     currentPosition.height = elementHeight;
                     for (var x = 0; x < xDimension.intValue; x++)
                         for (var y = 0; y < yDimension.intValue; y++)
                             var element = array.GetArrayElementAtIndex(x * yDimension.intValue + y);
                             EditorGUI.PropertyField(currentPosition, element, GUIContent.none);
                             currentPosition.x += elementWidth + k_elementSpacing;
                         currentPosition.x = elementRect.x;
                         currentPosition.y += elementHeight * 1.5f;


    public Table Table;