获取 pygame 模块中可见像素的当前颜色

getting the current color of the visible pixel in the pygame module

我正在使用 PYgame 创建一个有多辆车的环境。 蚀刻车有自己的雷达,可以检查障碍物之间的距离。 我遇到的问题是,如何获取像素的颜色。因此,如果行驶中的汽车颜色为紫色,并且当前在 [x,y] Pixsle 上方,我将获得紫色冷却器,而不是图片屏幕的表面颜色。


    while not WIN.get_at((x, y)) == pygame.Color(48, 48, 48, 255) and length < 80:
        length += 1
        x = int(xcenter + math.sin(-math.radians(self.angle + radar_angle)) * length)
        y = int(ycenter - math.cos(-math.radians(self.angle + radar_angle)) * length)

    pygame.draw.line(WIN, (255, 255, 255, 0), (xcenter,ycenter), (x, y), 1)
    pygame.draw.circle(WIN, (0, 255, 0, 0), (x, y), 2)



pygame 中是否有处理这种情况的函数?


  1. 反其道而行之。测试颜色是否是街道的灰色:

    street_gray = (128, 128, 128) # use your gray street color here
    while WIN.get_at((x, y)) == street_gray and length < 80: 
        # [...]
  2. 使用 pygame.mask.Mask that is 1 at positions of obstacles and 0 elsewhere. When you create the mask you need to set the set_colorkey() for the gray road. The mask can be created with pygame.mask.from_surface. pygame.mask.Mask.get_at returns 0 或 1:

    win_surf = WIN.copy()
    street_mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(win_surf)
    while street_mask.get_at((x, y)) == 0 and length < 80: 
       # [...]