iOS SpriteKit - 碰撞和接触未按预期工作

iOS SpriteKit - collisions and contacts not working as expected

有时在我的 SpriteKit 程序中,我的碰撞和接触(使用 SKPhysicsBody)不会按预期触发或工作。我想我已经设置了我需要的一切,但我仍然没有得到正确的交互。





            //MARK: - Analyse the collision/contact set up.
    func checkPhysics() {

        // Create an array of all the nodes with physicsBodies
        var physicsNodes = [SKNode]()

        //Get all physics bodies
        enumerateChildNodesWithName("//.") { node, _ in
            if let _ = node.physicsBody {
            } else {
                print("\( does not have a physics body so cannot collide or be involved in contacts.")

//For each node, check it's category against every other node's collion and contctTest bit mask
        for node in physicsNodes {
            let category = node.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask
            // Identify the node by its category if the name is blank
            let name = != nil ? : "Category \(category)"
            let collisionMask = node.physicsBody!.collisionBitMask
            let contactMask = node.physicsBody!.contactTestBitMask

            // If all bits of the collisonmask set, just say it collides with everything.
            if collisionMask == UInt32.max {
                print("\(name) collides with everything")

            for otherNode in physicsNodes {
                if (node != otherNode) && (node.physicsBody?.dynamic == true) {
                    let otherCategory = otherNode.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask
                    // Identify the node by its category if the name is blank
                    let otherName = != nil ? : "Category \(otherCategory)"

                    // If the collisonmask and category match, they will collide
                    if ((collisionMask & otherCategory) != 0) && (collisionMask != UInt32.max) {
                        print("\(name) collides with \(otherName)")
                    // If the contactMAsk and category match, they will contact
                    if (contactMask & otherCategory) != 0 {print("\(name) notifies when contacting \(otherName)")}

您还需要检查这 3 件事:

  1. 场景必须SKPhysicsContactDelegate
  2. 您必须设置physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self
  3. 您需要实现可选方法之一 SKPhysicsContactDelegate:



设置完所有图片后应调用该函数 - 通常在 didMoveToView 作品结束时调用:


当我在练习 Swift 项目中从 didMoveToView 的末尾调用此函数时,我得到以下输出:

Optional("shape_blueSquare") collides with Optional("Category 2147483648") Optional("shape_blueSquare") collides with Optional("shape_redCircle") Optional("shape_blueSquare") collides with Optional("shape_purpleSquare") Optional("shape_blueSquare") collides with Optional("shape_yellowTriangle") Optional("shape_redCircle") collides with Optional("Category 2147483648") Optional("shape_redCircle") collides with Optional("shape_blueSquare") Optional("shape_redCircle") notifies when contacting Optional("shape_purpleSquare") Optional("shape_redCircle") collides with Optional("shape_yellowTriangle") Optional("shape_redCircle") notifies when contacting Optional("shape_yellowTriangle") Optional("shape_purpleSquare") collides with Optional("Category 2147483648") Optional("shape_purpleSquare") collides with Optional("shape_yellowTriangle") Optional("shape_yellowTriangle") collides with everything didBeginContact entered for Optional("shape_purpleSquare") and Optional("shape_redCircle") didBeginContact entered for Optional("shape_purpleSquare") and Optional("shape_redCircle") didBeginContact entered for Optional("shape_yellowTriangle") and Optional("shape_redCircle")

类别 2147483648 是我的边缘边界,它没有名称。我给它这个类别来匹配它的 collisionBitMask
