shaderc IncluderInterface,包括失败?
shaderc IncluderInterface, include fails?
我正尝试在 Vulkan 项目中支持 #include
glsl 指令。
据我了解,所需要做的就是正确实现 IncluderInterface 并设置它,我是这样做的:
class NEShaderIncluder : public CompileOptions::IncluderInterface
shaderc_include_result* GetInclude(
const char* requested_source,
shaderc_include_type type,
const char* requesting_source,
size_t include_depth)
cout << requested_source << endl;
cout << to_string(type) << endl;
cout << requesting_source << endl;
cout << include_depth << endl;
const string name = string(requested_source);
const string contents = ReadFile(name);
auto container = new std::array<std::string, 2>;
(*container)[0] = name;
(*container)[1] = contents;
auto data = new shaderc_include_result;
data->user_data = container;
data->source_name = (*container)[0].data();
data->source_name_length = (*container)[0].size();
data->content = (*container)[1].data();
data->content_length = (*container)[1].size();
cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
cout << data->content << endl;
return data;
void ReleaseInclude(shaderc_include_result* data) override
delete static_cast<std::array<std::string, 2>*>(data->user_data);
delete data;
CompileOptions SetShaderCompilationOptions()
CompileOptions options;
return options;
Compiler compiler;
CompileOptions options = SetShaderCompilationOptions();
shaderc::SpvCompilationResult result =
compiler.CompileGlslToSpv(source, shader_type, shader_name.c_str(), options);
vec4 BlinnPhong(vec3 pos, vec3 normal, vec3 camera_position)
vec4 color = vec4(0);
vec3 l = vec3(1);
vec3 c = vec3(0, 0, 0.7);
vec3 n = normalize(normal);
vec3 e = camera_position - pos;
e = normalize(e);
vec3 h = normalize(e + l);
color = vec4(
c * (vec3(0.1) + 0.9 * max(0, dot(n, l))) +
vec3(0.9) * max(0, pow(dot(h, n), 100)),
return color;
但是,shaderc 似乎并没有替换 include,我从结果对象中得到一条错误消息:
#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : require
#include "shaders/Example2/phong_lighting.glsl"
layout(location = 0) out vec4 color_out;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 tex_coord;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 normal;
layout(binding = 1) uniform CameraInfo {
vec3 camera_position;
void main()
color_out = BlinnPhong(position, normal);
fragment_shader:19: error: 'BlinnPhong' : no matching overloaded function found
fragment_shader:19: error: 'assign' : cannot convert from ' const float' to 'layout( location=0) out highp 4-component vector of float'
我不完全确定我使用 API 有什么问题,我也无法在网上找到示例以进行交叉参考。
我怀疑必须事先调用 PreprocessGlsl
我认为这不是包含的问题,而是您的代码的问题。 include 中的 BlinnPhong
有 3 个参数,但调用它时你只传递 2 个参数。与第一条错误消息匹配。
shaderc::PreprocessedSourceCompilationResult pre_result =
compiler.PreprocessGlsl(source, shader_type, shader_name.c_str(), options);
pre_result.GetCompilationStatus() == shaderc_compilation_status_success,
"Preprocess failed for file " + source + ":\n" + pre_result.GetErrorMessage());
string pre_passed_source(pre_result.begin());
shaderc::SpvCompilationResult result = compiler.CompileGlslToSpv(
pre_passed_source, shader_type, shader_name.c_str(), options);
result.GetCompilationStatus() == shaderc_compilation_status_success,
pre_passed_source + ":\n" + result.GetErrorMessage());
我正尝试在 Vulkan 项目中支持 #include
glsl 指令。
据我了解,所需要做的就是正确实现 IncluderInterface 并设置它,我是这样做的:
class NEShaderIncluder : public CompileOptions::IncluderInterface
shaderc_include_result* GetInclude(
const char* requested_source,
shaderc_include_type type,
const char* requesting_source,
size_t include_depth)
cout << requested_source << endl;
cout << to_string(type) << endl;
cout << requesting_source << endl;
cout << include_depth << endl;
const string name = string(requested_source);
const string contents = ReadFile(name);
auto container = new std::array<std::string, 2>;
(*container)[0] = name;
(*container)[1] = contents;
auto data = new shaderc_include_result;
data->user_data = container;
data->source_name = (*container)[0].data();
data->source_name_length = (*container)[0].size();
data->content = (*container)[1].data();
data->content_length = (*container)[1].size();
cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
cout << data->content << endl;
return data;
void ReleaseInclude(shaderc_include_result* data) override
delete static_cast<std::array<std::string, 2>*>(data->user_data);
delete data;
CompileOptions SetShaderCompilationOptions()
CompileOptions options;
return options;
Compiler compiler;
CompileOptions options = SetShaderCompilationOptions();
shaderc::SpvCompilationResult result =
compiler.CompileGlslToSpv(source, shader_type, shader_name.c_str(), options);
vec4 BlinnPhong(vec3 pos, vec3 normal, vec3 camera_position)
vec4 color = vec4(0);
vec3 l = vec3(1);
vec3 c = vec3(0, 0, 0.7);
vec3 n = normalize(normal);
vec3 e = camera_position - pos;
e = normalize(e);
vec3 h = normalize(e + l);
color = vec4(
c * (vec3(0.1) + 0.9 * max(0, dot(n, l))) +
vec3(0.9) * max(0, pow(dot(h, n), 100)),
return color;
但是,shaderc 似乎并没有替换 include,我从结果对象中得到一条错误消息:
#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : require
#include "shaders/Example2/phong_lighting.glsl"
layout(location = 0) out vec4 color_out;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 tex_coord;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 normal;
layout(binding = 1) uniform CameraInfo {
vec3 camera_position;
void main()
color_out = BlinnPhong(position, normal);
fragment_shader:19: error: 'BlinnPhong' : no matching overloaded function found
fragment_shader:19: error: 'assign' : cannot convert from ' const float' to 'layout( location=0) out highp 4-component vector of float'
我不完全确定我使用 API 有什么问题,我也无法在网上找到示例以进行交叉参考。
我怀疑必须事先调用 PreprocessGlsl
我认为这不是包含的问题,而是您的代码的问题。 include 中的 BlinnPhong
有 3 个参数,但调用它时你只传递 2 个参数。与第一条错误消息匹配。
shaderc::PreprocessedSourceCompilationResult pre_result =
compiler.PreprocessGlsl(source, shader_type, shader_name.c_str(), options);
pre_result.GetCompilationStatus() == shaderc_compilation_status_success,
"Preprocess failed for file " + source + ":\n" + pre_result.GetErrorMessage());
string pre_passed_source(pre_result.begin());
shaderc::SpvCompilationResult result = compiler.CompileGlslToSpv(
pre_passed_source, shader_type, shader_name.c_str(), options);
result.GetCompilationStatus() == shaderc_compilation_status_success,
pre_passed_source + ":\n" + result.GetErrorMessage());