OpenGL Light 随移动物体移动,即使它不应该移动

OpenGL Light moving with moving object even though its not supposed to

C++,OpenGL,很高兴 ->
问题是当我旋转我的对象时,它正在在Y(UP)轴上渲染,似乎光线也随着物体移动。 光线的移动与物体的旋转不同步。
为什么会发生这种情况,我该如何解决? 这是着色器。

#version 330 core

layout (location = 0) in vec3 pos;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 coords;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 normals;

out vec2 Texture_Coords;
out vec3 normal;
out vec3 toLightVector;

uniform mat4 p;
uniform mat4 m;
uniform mat4 v;
uniform vec3 light_position;

void main(){
    vec4 world_position = m * vec4(pos,1.0);
    gl_Position = p * v * world_position;

    Texture_Coords = coords;
    normal = (vec4(normals,1.0) * m).xyz;

    toLightVector = light_position -;


#version 330 core

out vec4 Pixel;

in vec2 Texture_Coords;
in vec3 normal;
in vec3 toLightVector;

uniform vec4 color;
uniform sampler2D Texture;
uniform float ambient;
uniform vec3 light_color;

void main(){

    vec3 unitNormal = normalize(normal);
    vec3 unitToLightVector = normalize(toLightVector);

    float light_factor = dot(unitNormal, unitToLightVector);
    float brightness = max(light_factor, ambient);
    vec3 diffuse = brightness * light_color;

    Pixel = vec4(diffuse,1.0) * texture(Texture, Texture_Coords);

矩阵乘法不可交换 v * mm * v 不同:

normal = (vec4(normals,1.0) * m).xyz;

normal = mat3(m) * normals;

我也推荐阅读 Why is the transposed inverse of the model view matrix used to transform the normal vectors? and Why transforming normals with the transpose of the inverse of the modelview matrix?:

normal = transpose(inverse(mat3(m))) * normals;