在 Direct3D11 中模拟 Direct3D9 固定功能管道

Emulating Direct3D9 fixed function pipeline in Direct3D11

我们的软件目前使用 Direct3D9 中的固定功能管道,为我们的用户提供一种易于编写脚本的方式,将灯光和对象投射到一个简单的场景中。我们允许平行光、点光和聚光灯。我试图将我们转移到 Direct3D11,但我希望它尽可能接近 Direct3D9 固定功能管道作为基准。我们可以稍后添加诸如逐像素照明之类的东西。我是着色器编码的新手,尽管我多年来一直在使用 C++,但我还是觉得自己不适应。我想知道是否有支持 DX11 的着色器可以完美模拟 DX9 固定功能管道提供的照明。我在 FixedFuncEMUFX11 中看到了旧的点光源模拟示例,我将尝试将其用作基础,但我只知道我没有尽可能高效地执行此操作,并且数学正确的聚光灯仿真超出了我的范围。是否有任何开源软件可以模拟固定功能管道,或者包含 DirectX11/10 的定向、点和聚光灯实现?我认为我只需要 .fx 或 .hlsl 文件。就算是8个光源顶多也无妨。

我目前使用 DirectXTK 作为正确 DirectX11 编程的指南,但如果有更好的编码标准,我很乐意看到行业标准 DirectX11 渲染引擎编程方法的示例。感谢您提供任何建议。

对于 Direct3D 11 的基本渲染,DirectX Tool Kit built-in shaders are based on the XNA Game Studio 4 which provides a good set of basic features including directional lighting and per-pixel lighting. They are designed to work with all Direct3D Feature Level 硬件,因此他们不实现诸如聚光灯之类的东西,而这些东西很容易用更现代的硬件完成。

FixedFuncEMU11 示例是旧版 DirectX SDK 的 FixedFuncEMU Direct3D 10 示例的 Direct3D 11 端口。着色器对于理解各种 Direct3D 9 特定的固定功能管道很有用,但不涵盖 'standard' 诸如在 HLSL 中实现标准照明模型之类的内容。另请注意,此示例使用 Effects system for Direct3D 11 which has it's own issues。尽管如此,它还是很有用的:

  • 固定功能转换管道
  • 固定功能光照管线
  • AlphaTest
  • 用户剪辑平面
  • 像素雾
  • Gouraud 和 Flat 阴影模式
  • 投影纹理查找 (texldp)
  • 多纹理
  • D3DFILL_POINT 填充模式
  • 屏幕spaceUI渲染

您可能想尝试一些旧的 Direct3D 9 时代对 HLSL 着色器编程的介绍。虽然不是 100% 兼容 Direct3D 11,但它们非常接近并且 HLSL 本身基本相同。例如,我找到 this article

还有许多优秀的 Direct3D 11 书籍,所有这些书籍都涵盖了 HLSL 着色器,因为 Direct3D 11 中没有固定功能的管道。请参阅 Book Recommendations 了解其中一些书籍的一些细节和注释在 DirectX SDK 停用之前。特别是,您应该查看 Varcholik 的 Real-Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL,因为它非常专注于 HLSL 创作。

对于通过在 hlsl 中搜索固定功能管道仿真而来到这里的任何人来说,这几乎正是我要找的东西:http://www.3dgep.com/texturing-lighting-directx-11/ 那里的着色器不是很优化,但已编写为了清楚起见,并为 hlsl 初学者提供了一个很好的介绍。为了准确了解正在发生的事情以及获得场景的最低限度,几乎没有多余的东西需要筛选 运行。聚光灯不是 DX9 的 FFP 聚光灯的精确复制,但很容易修改成这样。

#define MAX_LIGHTS 8

// Light types.
#define POINT_LIGHT 1
#define SPOT_LIGHT 2

Texture2D Texture : register(t0);
sampler Sampler : register(s0);

struct _Material
    float4  Emissive;       // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    float4  Ambient;        // 16 bytes
    //------------------------------------(16 byte boundary)
    float4  Diffuse;        // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    float4  Specular;       // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    float   SpecularPower;  // 4 bytes
    bool    UseTexture;     // 4 bytes
    float2  Padding;        // 8 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
};  // Total:               // 80 bytes ( 5 * 16 )

cbuffer MaterialProperties : register(b0)
    _Material Material;

struct Light
    float4      Position;               // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    float4      Direction;              // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    float4      Color;                  // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    float       SpotAngle;              // 4 bytes
    float       ConstantAttenuation;    // 4 bytes
    float       LinearAttenuation;      // 4 bytes
    float       QuadraticAttenuation;   // 4 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    int         LightType;              // 4 bytes
    bool        Enabled;                // 4 bytes
    int2        Padding;                // 8 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
};  // Total:                           // 80 bytes (5 * 16 byte boundary)

cbuffer LightProperties : register(b1)
    float4 EyePosition;                 // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    float4 GlobalAmbient;               // 16 bytes
    //----------------------------------- (16 byte boundary)
    Light Lights[MAX_LIGHTS];           // 80 * 8 = 640 bytes
};  // Total:                           // 672 bytes (42 * 16 byte boundary)

float4 DoDiffuse( Light light, float3 L, float3 N )
    float NdotL = max( 0, dot( N, L ) );
    return light.Color * NdotL;

float4 DoSpecular( Light light, float3 V, float3 L, float3 N )
    // Phong lighting.
    float3 R = normalize( reflect( -L, N ) );
    float RdotV = max( 0, dot( R, V ) );

    // Blinn-Phong lighting
    float3 H = normalize( L + V );
    float NdotH = max( 0, dot( N, H ) );

    return light.Color * pow( RdotV, Material.SpecularPower );

float DoAttenuation( Light light, float d )
    return 1.0f / ( light.ConstantAttenuation + light.LinearAttenuation * d + light.QuadraticAttenuation * d * d );

struct LightingResult
    float4 Diffuse;
    float4 Specular;

LightingResult DoPointLight( Light light, float3 V, float4 P, float3 N )
    LightingResult result;

    float3 L = ( light.Position - P ).xyz;
    float distance = length(L);
    L = L / distance;

    float attenuation = DoAttenuation( light, distance );

    result.Diffuse = DoDiffuse( light, L, N ) * attenuation;
    result.Specular = DoSpecular( light, V, L, N ) * attenuation;

    return result;

LightingResult DoDirectionalLight( Light light, float3 V, float4 P, float3 N )
    LightingResult result;

    float3 L = -light.Direction.xyz;

    result.Diffuse = DoDiffuse( light, L, N );
    result.Specular = DoSpecular( light, V, L, N );

    return result;

float DoSpotCone( Light light, float3 L )
    float spotMinAngle = cos( light.SpotAngle );
    float spotMaxAngle = ( spotMinAngle + 1.0f ) / 2.0f;
    float cosAngle = dot( light.Direction.xyz, L );
    return smoothstep( spotMinAngle, spotMaxAngle, cosAngle ); 

LightingResult DoSpotLight( Light light, float3 V, float4 P, float3 N )
    LightingResult result;

    float3 L = ( light.Position - P ).xyz;
    float distance = length(L);
    L = L / distance;

    float attenuation = DoAttenuation( light, distance );
    float spotIntensity = DoSpotCone( light, -L );

    result.Diffuse = DoDiffuse( light, L, N ) * attenuation * spotIntensity;
    result.Specular = DoSpecular( light, V, L, N ) * attenuation * spotIntensity;

    return result;

LightingResult ComputeLighting( float4 P, float3 N )
    float3 V = normalize( EyePosition - P ).xyz;

    LightingResult totalResult = { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} };

    for( int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; ++i )
        LightingResult result = { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} };

        if ( !Lights[i].Enabled ) continue;

        switch( Lights[i].LightType )
                result = DoDirectionalLight( Lights[i], V, P, N );
        case POINT_LIGHT: 
                result = DoPointLight( Lights[i], V, P, N );
        case SPOT_LIGHT:
                result = DoSpotLight( Lights[i], V, P, N );
        totalResult.Diffuse += result.Diffuse;
        totalResult.Specular += result.Specular;

    totalResult.Diffuse = saturate(totalResult.Diffuse);
    totalResult.Specular = saturate(totalResult.Specular);

    return totalResult;

struct PixelShaderInput
    float4 PositionWS   : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 NormalWS     : TEXCOORD2;
    float2 TexCoord     : TEXCOORD0;

float4 TexturedLitPixelShader( PixelShaderInput IN ) : SV_TARGET
    LightingResult lit = ComputeLighting( IN.PositionWS, normalize(IN.NormalWS) );

    float4 emissive = Material.Emissive;
    float4 ambient = Material.Ambient * GlobalAmbient;
    float4 diffuse = Material.Diffuse * lit.Diffuse;
    float4 specular = Material.Specular * lit.Specular;

    float4 texColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };

    if ( Material.UseTexture )
        texColor = Texture.Sample( Sampler, IN.TexCoord );

    float4 finalColor = ( emissive + ambient + diffuse + specular ) * texColor;

    return finalColor;